Hallo Ich brauche hilfe nach Deutschland gehen!!
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Hallo,ich bin Fabiana.
Ich bin 17 Jahre alt.
Ich habe schon 2 Jahre in Deutschland gewohnt.
Meiner Mutter arbeitet auch in Deutschland mit mein Stiefvater.
Aber vor 3 Monate meiner Mutter un ich haben eine Urlaub gemacht nach Portugal.
Aber eine Woche spater,sie war zuruck nach Deutschland.
Und hat mir hier gelassen.
Ich wollte meine Ausbildung starten.
Aber kann ich nicht...
Ich habe eine frage...
Weist jemand das der lebt in Portugal oder das der Urlaub macht in Portugal das sie nach Deutschland zuruck kommt dieses Jahr das der mir helfen konnte?....Meine Lehrerin und mein Freund un Freundin wollte mir helfen wenn ich zuruck bin...Aber ich kann nicht gehen mit Flugzeug weil ich 17 bin...
Vielen danke fur ihre Zeit.
Ich kann auch auf Englisch und Portugiesisch sprechen
Please tell your story in English only here because it's an English speaking forum and you will get more attention respectively response if others do understand.
Well I'll explain again,
I'm Fabiana.
I'm currently 17 years old.
I lived two years in Germany,
3 months ago me and my mother left to go for "holidays" to Portugal...
But one week later my mother left me an wen't back to Germany...I am with my uncle at the moment.
I have no school or work...
I was going to start my career this year...but unfortunately i couldn't start it.
My mother left me for soemthing my stepdad did...which was very bad andi told my mother and she does not believe me...
And she left me.
I can give more details if anyone contacts me.
I need help to go back to Germany,my teacher is willing to help me so is my friends.
I contacted the Youth Office in Germany but they say they can't do anything unless i'm back there.
I have lost 3 years of school due to moving to much.
I would like to know if anyone knows anyone from Portugal taht is going to Germany by car that could take me.
I can't go by airplane because i need my mothers permission and she won't give it to me...
Very difficult to give you advice not knowing the whole story.
Your mother just left you after you told her something about your step father, why would a mother do such thing ? What is your uncle saying about all this ?
My stepdad has touched my "girls part" if you know what I mean.
I told my mother 3 months ago and she didn't believe it,my stepdad admittet it but he lied about things that I never did.
The only reason my mum does not believe me is because when i was alot younger I used to lie very much to get out of trouble,but any child does that so I don't udnerstand her.
My uncle can't keep me, he says it was very bad of her to do that.
And he wants me to go back and i want to go back too.
I have people in Germany who are willing to help me if i am back.
I did everything that I could here but they don't do nothing.
So i'm kinda lost in space...
And I'd like to continue my studies...But not here because i need 6/7 years,and Germany 3 years left or four...
Fabicakes wrote:My stepdad has touched my "girls part" if you know what I mean.
I told my mother 3 months ago and she didn't believe it,my stepdad admittet it but he lied about things that I never did.
The only reason my mum does not believe me is because when i was alot younger I used to lie very much to get out of trouble,but any child does that so I don't udnerstand her.
My uncle can't keep me, he says it was very bad of her to do that.
And he wants me to go back and i want to go back too.
I have people in Germany who are willing to help me if i am back.
I did everything that I could here but they don't do nothing.
So i'm kinda lost in space...
And I'd like to continue my studies...But not here because i need 6/7 years,and Germany 3 years left or four...
Your uncle obviously can or does not help you much, if flying back to Germany is no option respectively difficult to do, how about using public transportation such as going by train ?
Well since i'm underaged I need a permission to get out of the country.
By train is more risky than by car.
In paris most of the reains stop there and there is a control.
Without that permission, I think i need to head back to Portugal..
I just popped in to let you know that I feel you and I feel sorry for you that you are in this situation.
I wish I could help you but don't know how.
Your uncle cant keep you for long and he wants you to go back. Maybe he can guide you to you reach the German border? And why your mother doesn't want to help you? You didn't tell where your stepfather lives but you have to report him at the police station and tell them too that your mother has abandon you. Your not eighteen yet, so she has still has the responsibility for you.
Well my uncle can't anything...
And i know he can't.
I have been to court and tell about the situation but for 3 months they do nothing,and right now i hope they dont because they will make my father my guardian and if he is,he will place me straight into a institution...i don't know why he never cared for me,spoke to me in years and now he just deicdes to do that.
He is your step father so he can not put you in to any "institutions" (whatever you mean by that). Did he legally adopt you at that time ?
Are you Germany passport holder ?
Hello Fabi,
You say you have contacted the Child Protective Service in Germany, but they have told you that they can't help you unless you are in Germany. Have you also contacted the Child Protective Services in Portugal? Since you are still a minor, they are obligated to offer you assistance and protection while you are in Portugal. Here in Brazil the agency is called the "Conselho Tutelar" it may have the same name in Portugal too, but it might also be called "Serviço de Proteção de Menores". They will certainly help you.
While technically you are a minor, you may well be able to leave Portugal anyway, especially if you are in possession of your German passport. You are of an age to make many legally binding decisions for yourself and if returning to your homeland and family is one of them, I don't see why you would be prevented from doing so. The Child Protective Services in Portugal will probably facilitate that for you.
Once back in Germany you should report your step-father's sexual assault on you and that's exactly what it is. It is not just "touching" and it is a serious criminal offense. You should also report your mother's action of simply abandoning you in another country, that is also a criminal offense since you are a minor. Also your mother's failure to take appropriate action when you disclosed the sexual assault to her is also a criminal offense and neglect. I don't know how soon you will turn 18 years of age (if that's the age of majority there in Germany) but if it's going to be a while you may want to find out what the legal process in Germany to have the court declare you an Emancipated Minor, which will give you total legal control over your own life.
Best of luck and God Bless!
William James Woodward, Expat-blog Experts Team
Oh and your step-father CANNOT simply put you into some kind of institution and neither can your mother. You have legal and Constitutional rights and they would have to obtain a Court Order which would permit them to institutionalize or intern you. So don't be afraid of that. Even if they tried you would have every opportunity to be heard by the judge before any decision is made. It is highly unlikely that at 17 any judge is going to grant such an order against your will, unless you represent a danger to yourself or others. Clearly that is not the case.
If your parents are in Germany and you lived and were in school there the last 2 year then where’s the problem? You must have a form of residency there. Nobody can or will stop you from going back to your residence. People younger than 17 travel throughout Europe all of the time without their parents. And Portugal is part of the European Community so I don't see where there should be any legal problem. You can fly alone from age 12 and under this age the airlines provide an assistance for which Lufthansa for example charges 40 Euros and they want an adult to meet you upon arrival. I'm sure a few people here will attack me like always if I suggest this might be a scam but the FACT is that what is written is NOT CORRECT. Whether a scam or somehow a mistake that this person is terribly misinformed, I can't judge. If the mother claims she can’t fly and won’t give permission then she is simply lying. About the supposed abuse one can only suggest that you go to the authorities either in Portugal or Germany. German authorities take such things serious. You actually have an advantage as a minor that your parents are required to provide for you. German authorities can provide you with a safe place to live so you can continue school and not only forbid your stepfather from seeing you but demand that they pay for your necessities. You have rights so stand up for them!
Well the problem is the laws are diffrent in Portugal.
We have talked to the airport agencies and everything.They all say i need my guardians permission,which is my mother who is not willing to give it to me.
Your mother is responsibe to care for you. She cannot stop you from returning to where you live. Legally impossible ANYWHERE in Europe. There is no legal way officials in Portugal can say you can't go to where you were legally living!! If what you say about your mother is true, then she has basically abandoned you and could be arrested. Contact the German authorities in Portugal and they will have to see that you get back and force your mother to take you in or pay for you to live elsewhere. The only thing that could stop this was if you were somehow illegally in Germany but as a minor that seems unlikely.
You and your uncle should go to German embassy in Portugal ! Explain everything if you are legal in Germany they should have you in computer, so don't be scared even you don't have your passport with you they should have every information about you! Where in Germany do you live and which school did you go to, the teacher name I can try to call your school and explain the problem I can also explain the jungenamt!! Please give me the contact person in Germany please!! I feel sorry for you, I can not believe what your mother did to you! I would like to know your moms name first name and a family name please! Give me your complete name as shown on your passport please Fabian, and your address in Germany will make it easier if I can get the complete information. Be strong !!
Guten Morgen Fabi !
I would like to call you, could you please send your number to my email : media.ingwersen@web.de or you give me your email add that way I can send you my number, I'm really worried about you, one of the father from my son's friend is a police man and I happens to know some people who are working in immigration so maybe I could somehow talk to them if I know for fact your problem!
Media Ingwersen
Well so far I haven't heard from Fabi, just hoping someone help her or the mother suddenly realized that what she did was wrong!!
I hope the Best for you Fabi and happiness always with you :-)
Perhaps one should also question whether the story is all true.
No one can offer more help than you did, so there should be immediate response from her side, no?
Hi,sorry for not replying
I have been busy...
That's what she wrote to me lol
You are right, I don't  Think the whole story is true, probably she is illegal and want to go to Germany for free so she made up a horrible story that way people belive the poor girl lol
Just forget about it!! But it was a sad story -
Prove it I'm wrong Fabi! So tell us which school did u go to in Germany and your name ( real one) not a fake one! That's enough to help you to go back to Germany!! If that story isn't real perhaps you need to stay in institution you need a professional HELP! Just like what your step dad said!! You ran away from home didn't you hoping to met someone like he promised you to take care of you! And things didn't go the way you think it would so now you wanna go back to Germany?
Wish you all the Best Fabi!
Ps: call your mom and apologize to her, I believe she is worried about you!! Tell her that you love her , I'm sure she will come right away to pick you up!
Well i was living in Schwabisch Hall
School was Schulzentrum West
I was in the Hauptschule 9B
My name is Fabiana Raqyel Casimiro Cristino.
reason why i havent been replying it's because i've been searching for work,and going to Lisbon to talk with a company called Eurolines.
The reason I want to go back is really becasue my mum left me.
My step dad doesn't want be abck,I have all conversations saved on my facebook but in portuguese.
I'm not illegal.
I never ran away from home.
My mother simply didn't believe me and put me outta the house like trash.
I have asked her many times i'm sorry for what ever i did but i have no flipping idea what i did,i asked her many times,but all she says it's because i lied when i was younger and now she doesnt believe any word I say.
Well every child lies.
My grandama says i splitted my mum and my grandma apart for 3 years from a lie. Well everyone knows it wasn't because of me and because of their Negociations and Business with money. So it wasn't my fault.
My mother says i destroyed her many relationships,also not my fault it was because of money,or its was the men that didn't accept me.
I know many thingsthat it wasn't my fault but she and my grandma keep sayings IT IS my fault.
Her best friend Anabelle called me a few days ago and said my mum loves me very much,and that she only left me to finish paying the bills with my step dad and leave him.
Well it's not really an excuse to leave her daughter in another country is it? I could simplly go to a few places which my teacher told me about and which i know and i have a friend also in those places.
At least i wouldnt lose my career that i was gonna start this year,lose my friends once again and my whole future.
I have lost 3 school years from moving a lot.
I never had my own group of friends from moving.
I'm always restarting my life.
But hey i'm 17,i wanna make my life sooner or later. I want to have my friends,my career,etc.
I'm sick of moving.
It's normal I wan't to go back to Germany.
I had everything there.
But thanks to my mother once again all my hard work was down.
I asked my mum if she would help me going back to germany when im 18. She says "No,I won't help you when your 18,I will only help you after you have your career" Well problem is Careers here theres no many choices,If i decide to be want i want to be then i'd need University in Portugal. While In Germany I could do it with no University.
So yeah. I can prove many ways that i lived there and this is not made up by some illegal kid Â
I also have my doubts as I have seen lots of scam attempts on this site but one has to be careful with accusations. I looked in the internet and can confirm that a Fabiana Christino finished class 9b in Scwäbisch Hall at Thomas-Schweicker- Werkrealschule which is located in the Schulzentrum West. But this center houses multiple schools and why would one refer to the place and not the actual name of the school? Possibly they found the information in the internt and didn't understand it properly. Easy mistake if one never went there. Also Fabi writes that one of her middle names is Raqyel. Is this a typo? The Portuguese name would be Raquel so 2 of 6 letters are off...Also, one would expect a 17 year old to have last finished grade11 or 12 and not the 9th. Fabi writes she lost 3 years by moving around. Possible but sounds unlikely. And while it is true that minors usually need permission to leave the country as she says, this cannot apply to someone legally living elsewhere. Officials can't keep someone of any age from returning home, so the fundamental complaint she has sounds like misinformation or a scam and not a real problem. I wouldn't approach the police without more specific information like getting the address and name of the mother and contacting her. One cannot rule out that this appeal is legitimate but as half of the information is either wrong or does quite fit, it sounds suspicious. Yet, strange things happen in this world so I am personally open to the idea that this might be legit but I can't see getting forward without more information.
As you said it was a typo.
And I don't know about the scams here so.
Sorry if it seems all made up.
But any information you need i'll give it to you or anyone.
I'm so sorry Fabi  today it's Friday at 16:16 pm and school not start till Monday (Herbs ferien) and immigration office is closed already! I will try to make some phone calls first thing on Monday morning ok! Hanging there and stay out of trouble! In the meantime you and your uncle can explain the problem to the German consulate in Portugal.
Alright thank you !
I'll inform them.
Actually your teacher and friends can help you too, since you been to court they should have your records add, names and know about your problem! You've said they wanted to help you but what did they do so far?
My teacher in Germany will only help me find a place to stay and help me getting in school and so.
I've been to court to inform them about being abandoned.
Untill now we are waiting that they will call us to court again. But for 3 months they have done nothing.
And my uncle,dad,and others say they will take long time to do anything about this.
So that's why i'm trying to find another way to go back to Germany.
My friend will pick me up from the airport or train station/bus station what ever if i can go and let me stay at her place untill me and my teacher and the Jugendamt decide where I stay.
Untill now i've been the only one trying to get information,or any help.
Because my dad gave up telling me "I won't make it" and it hurts to hear that.
My uncle can't really do anything.
So i'm doing this alone.
My friend already has informed the Jugendamt in Germany.But they say the can't do anything unless im back to Germany.
I have contacted the Eurolines angencies two days ago asking if i can leave the country and they said:
"Good morning ,
Thanks for choosing Eurolines for your travel.
According to a French Ministry circular published on November 20, 2012, it is no longer required to complete the permission slip to leave the country in case where children are traveling whitout his parents. But for portuguese citizens : the case is diferent and you may see with the consulate of your nationality.
Children under the age of sixteen unaccompanied by an adult are not allowed on board of a Eurolines coach.
If the children companion is not the parent (or guardian) a travel authorisation signed by one of the parent is required.
Minors must be in possession at all time of the documents required for travel.
Minors between 16 and 18 years old are allowed to travel unaccompanied as long as they are in possession at all time of the documents required for travel.
Minors who do not respect these conditions wil not be accepted on board.
We remain at your disposal for any question.
Jade de l'équipe du Web Call Center Eurolines"
So I'm still not sure if I can.
My uncle and someone else tell me I can but I'm not convinced.
I know English but sometimes i mess it up in my head.
Think it means soemthing while it emans something else.
So that's why I ask if that confirms that i'm allowed to leave or not....
I've been 4 days straight trying to cantact bus agencies and train agencies.
Only one has replied.
I'm sending an email now to the German consulate in Lisbon.
Aber ich kann nicht gehen mit Flugzeug weil ich 17 bin...?
Man kann also mit 15 allein fliegen
Ich kann dir helfen nur wenn du erhlich bist daher mehr über dich via email:salbertine131@yahoo.de
Viele Glück and take care
That's true children can fly alone, I was 9 yrs old when I fly from indonesia to Australia alone but my father signed the paper! Any way I found out yesterday that the only thing you should do is go to the German consulat near you and tell them your problem because you are not in Germany so nothing we can do from Germany not the school, police or immigration nor jungenamt they don't have the authorization to do so, that's way every country have consulat all over the world!! Go there if you are German citizen they can help you! I can't help you, sadly! I though I could
Good Luck!
Hallo Fabi,
Your case seems genuine as you have given some personal details. Still doubts remain as there are many scams in web. Specially for a Hauptschul Schuelerin your English is damned good. That is why its hard verify genuine or scam.
1) Anyhow Portugal is an EU country and there are no border checking. So you can travel. At least by bus or train.
2) Your friends, teachers back in Germany can contact Jugendamt here.
3) You can contact German consulate closer to as Mingwersen and others suggested.
4) You / your friends can start a help action in Facebook ( other social networks)
5) Its better to start your matter in German section of ½ûÂþÌìÌà as there are many who can help you directly.
I just hope you will get out of this mess. Good Luck
Again Fabi, have you contacted German consulate or Child protective agencies as WJWOODWARD suggested ? If yes what are the latest ?
Well,I have found my way back!
I can go by bus as long I have only my fathers permission to go,since my mother is in Germany.
Thanks for everyone's help.
I have contacted the German Consulate but i heard nothing from them and so on
Thank youuuuu!
Don't worry about it Ca2ca I just wanted to have her real name that way I can reported to the immigration so I printed out all the letters sie wrote to us cuz I knew all of scams can't just believe what someone telling sad story. She is so smart like u said for hauptshule kid, gymnasium kids can't write in english that good!! Anyway they have the name and the story! Not sure if she gave us the real name! I actually was waiting till she ask for some money cuz she doesn't have place to stay and her uncle kick her out and so on and so on, nah Ja have a wonderful day everyoneÂ
Hello all
Seems that Fabicakes already found her way out!
There have been many suggestions to help her out, maybe some of you who wish to continue helping fabicakes can do so in Private message, all have been said here.
½ûÂþÌìÌà Team
[Topic Closed]
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