Cost of living in Mongolia — 2015
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Hi all,
We invite you to talk about the cost of living in Mongolia in 2015, with an updated price listing.
Don't forget to mention in which city of Mongolia you are living in.
How much does it cost to live in Mongolia?
> accommodation prices
> public transportation fares (tube, bus etc.)
> food prices (your monthly budget)
> health prices (for those who need medical insurance)
> education prices (if you need to pay)
> energy prices (oil, electricity)
> common bills (Internet, television, telephone, mobile phone)
> price for a good menu in a traditional restaurant
> price for a coffee or a drink
> price for cinema tickets
Do not hesitate to add items to this list!
Thank you in advance for your participation.
With the same sized apartment in UK and Mongolia with no accommodation costs, as both are paid for, my UK property costs T1,094405 PCM while my Mongolian property costs T130000 PCM
Food prices about the same as I shop in the State and UB stores, but if I could be bothered to shop at one of the indoor markets I could save up to a third of the costs.
In the UK dining out was once a week, here it could be every evening if I wished.At the top awarded restaurant by Trip Advisor T60000 was a meal for three, although we went easy on the drinks as it was a Sunday and taking a class with a hangover on Monday is not a good idea for my companions!
A pack of Marlboro in the UK is 29660, here is 3200 or if I buy in the market 28500 for a carton of 200.
Life is hard for the locals, and getting more so, but when I close my front door I could be living anywhere, and with the ease of making new friends both local, and expat give me Mongolia every time!
EXCHANGE RATE T2966-one British pound 9-2-15
I recommend adding to the list at:
The larger number and more often people add, the more accurate it will be.
Prices in Darkhan
> accommodation prices
2 bedroom apartment: 350,000 MNT
> public transportation fares (tube, bus etc.)
bus fare: 300 MNT
taxi: 500 MNT
> food prices (your monthly budget)
family of 4: 200,000 MNT
> health prices (for those who need medical insurance)
State insurance 1 year: 180,000 MNT
> education prices (if you need to pay)
private daycare: 170,000 MNT
> energy prices (oil, electricity)
heat & electricity (for a house): 120,000 MNT
> common bills (Internet, television, telephone, mobile phone)
cable, internet: 60,000 MNT
> price for a good menu in a traditional restaurant
for two: 30,000 MNT
> price for a coffee or a drink
1,500 to 4,000 MNT
> price for cinema tickets
3,000 MNT