That's the way it is here unfortunately. To be perfectly honest the fact you even got a temporary job is amazing.
Consider yourself lucky you're not up here in Trondheim as it's even worse trying to get a job here.
You face several different problems. Firstly, unless you have a Norwegian fagbrev (trade certificate) any other qualifications you may have will fade to insignificance. As someone above said, most (but not all) Norwegians are somewhat suspicious / skeptical about foreigners and the same applies to qualifications / certificates / experience when it comes to the job market. Sure, you can have a bucket load of Norsk friends, and all is dandy but when it comes time to get a job other than cleaning / shelf-stacking without a Norwegian certificate of competence (fagbrev) then it's talk to the hand time I'm afraid (usually manifests as silence or a "I'm sorry but... " letter)
Secondly, in England we know you can send your job application / CV by email as that is the most commonly used and accepted method, and it is <slowly> starting to take hold here through portals like jobbnorge etc but for the most part, especially as a foreigner you have to go and visit potential employers, have a chat and let them see you, that you too have 2 arms and legs and are not too loud and proud and most of all to convince them face-to-face that you are ready and willing to work hard and contribute something good to their business.
Thirdly, and I'm sure you don't need to hear it again - snakk Norsk! :-) there is no getting around it. I know it seems absurd because everyone except very old people can speak and understand English but unfortunately you have to make yourself forget that and pretend they don't. I know why that is but I'm not going into that here, it's just something we have to accept, swallow and get on with it and on the plus side once you've learned it (it's not that hard once you get stuck in) you will be able to integrate a lot better because although Norwegians learn English from day 1 in School and have a lifetime of it on TV only a small percentage are confident about using it all the time and we gotta accept that even though they understand our language, they have their own which they've grown up with and can properly express themselves with.
This is the basics of reality here, even if you're from just across the water