

Visit to Lahore and Faisalabad

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I am a middle aged women considering a visit to Lahore and Faisalabad with my 22 year old son in December.  I have never been before but have family in both cities.  I am mixed race so do not look Pakistani and neither does my son. We don't speak Urdu.  I am worried about how difficult if will be for us to travel round, even between these 2 cities. My concerns are about the crime rate, corruption and road accidents. I am pretty sure that my worries are exaggerated but would welcome comments from others in similar circumstances who have been to Lahore and/or Faisalabad, and travelled between the 2 cities. Thanks very much in advance. Sarah


Going to Lahore I can advice you better I am born and raised its more of a modern city ,travel with a local you will love it pretty much liberal love visitors , every city have a slogan and LAhore is big hearted lahories enjoy your trip don't forgot to enjoy food best kebabs .have fun don't act scared.


Thanks very much - I really appreciate your lovely comments  :) I think we will have a great time!


Hello Auck, welcome to Pakistan forum,

It is not very clear what will be the purpose and the duration of your visit to the two cities of Punjab?

More over if you are not short of money, you could hire services of a security company who will ensure a security and escort personnel for your travel and accomodation.

There is no real security issue, you may face some inconvenience and discomfort due to lack of cultural/ language issues.

I suggest you plan and book your hotel/ train/bus before hand, wear local dress (shalwar kemeez) for both yourself and your son and cover your head with a modest large scarf in order not to standout in a crowd.  :)


Hello Auck,

Re read your post and realized that you have relatives in both Lahore and Faisalabad, I do not see any worry than, you will be taken care of as a guest, are you not in touch with your host families? :top:


Hey there Sarah,
How are you doing? I am from Faisalabad. You said that you have a family in both cities than why you need a host family to help you out? If any solid reason than i am available


Hello you can also visit Islamabad because

Islamabad is beautiful city


Thanks for your reply.  I am grateful for all comments  :|


That's great! Thanks for your comments and encouragement  :)

singular tours

Dear Mad am,

There is no problem to travel Lahore and Faisalabad.Road are safe .

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