Every few years one or other of the mainstream media organs in Britain sends a young intern out to do an "investigative" once-in-a-lifetime report on Cayman's tax haven. This time it was the BBC. The documentary has some of us laughing, others highly indignant. The boys are told to take plenty of photos of flashy cars, flashy self-promoters and flashy girls in bikinis lounging about on boats. No expense spared. I'm sure many BE members will have family or friends who have seen the program, so they might be interested to read a couple of the local reactions, at this link.
As a former Manager of the local Chamber of Commerce, I am most bothered by the lack of preparedness of our three highest officials - the British Governor and the chief Caymanian politician and the chief Caymanian tax-haven spokesman. All three made themselves look incompetent. Sigh. I have blogged on the topic of "offshore" tax havens several times over the years...