Of course if you can afford to keep them in the French school that might be best.
The cost of private schools in HUngary are insane unless your job pays for it such as for some exc. with a nice transfer to HU.
My son went to private school in the US 26 years ago and I know the prices can add up quickly.
The schools in HU can cost more then the family budget for the month.
If they do enroll in a HU school, a public school they may possibly get put back a grade or two, not sure, won't hurt in the long run though once they get up to speed with their Hungarian.
Did they go to school in HU in the past?
I may of misread one of your posts stating you had lived in HU before with your kids.
I knew a women in HU who had her 8 year old in the American school in Budapest. Her father in law paid for it, the rest of the family got angry that she and her husband, his son needed support for everything in HU so it caused a family riff.
They pulled the boy out of the HU school, tried to put him in public but his HU language skills were bad, she worked out getting him into the Jewish school but he also didn't understand Hebrew.
He was starting to get so isolated that they pulled up stakes and moved to Canada where her husband was from.
I have known 3 different families who brought their HU or half HU kids to HU and ran into school issues with language.
They all moved away from HU for their kids sanity.
Perhaps you could think of homeschooling them for a short time and hire a language coach to tutor them?
Good luck.
Just noticed your question about health care in HU.
Hope this is not off topic since I would not wish to lose you by making you find the answer on another subject line.
Yes, we have HU national health care, that is a long story not exactly a great system, so many times they miss things or put things off. Used to see a private doc. in HU before my coverage started. Not all that much different except they would see us on off hours, paid cash under the table etc.
Best not to get seriously ill in HU. Not that in the US it is great but the attitude in the US is more business like and professional from my experience most times. Thankfully we are very healthy people who ony see the doc in HU for small things, I often wait over 2 years to bother with getting my annual check ups, that's how non fun the medical system in HU can be.
The dentists are pretty good in HU if you find the right one. Every district has a appointed dentist for whatever st. you live on. OUrs is horrible so we go private with the dentists.
Might be interesting if your mothers speak fluent Hungarian to have them move over with your family for 6 months or so and homeschool with allot of Hungarian lessons as the no. 1 topic.
Kids can catch up quickly later on when and if you enroll them in a HU public school.
We moved allot when our son was a teenager, he became very anti social from moving so much and that was just inside the US where the language was the same for the most part. Slightly different cultures though going from Hawaii to New Mexico.