

Applying For Permanent Resident Based On Brazilian Born Child

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MozBanana thanks for your reply!

Does anybody know do I have to get my passport or other documents (internal passport with mother and father names) translated and verified/appostilled by Brasilian or other consulate here in Turkey? Or can i get it translated in Brasil and notary verify it there?

Thanks in advance!


You only need a copy of your passport, certified by the cartorio.


Hi all.The new law states one needs police report from country. How do we get it done if u r in Brazil? Also, if i travel to my country after d permanent card application, can someone get it on on my behalf and send it to me? Thanks


Every country has their own regulations and procedures e. g.. I can order it online and it is sent to me. Check with your embassy in Brazil.



Parents of Brazilian child and spouses of Brazilian can not be expel from Brazil regardless of their criminal record, that section of they law didn't change

I believe your card can be collected by someone with a power of attorney



The CIE card must be collected in person. No exception. Guys, please state facts, not what you believe.


Well, that is your experience

Others in this same forum had different experience and stated otherwise, the only document that cannot be collected by a third party is the passport because the biometric must be verify at the time of collection

Your experience does not necessarily mean it is facts



Parents of Brazilian child and spouses of Brazilian can not be expel from Brazil regardless of their criminal record, that section of they law didn't change

You are spreading WRONG information and shows your ignorance of Brazilian laws:

Permanency in Brazil is not guaranteed by a Brazilian child especially if married to a Brazilian. The Ministerio de Justiça and the PF has so much latitude that they can deport you anytime especially if you committed a crime or lied about the said crime committed overseas. If divorced and previously married to a Brazilian and you don´t contribute to the livelihood of the child, you can be deported. Even the widowed and also with a child already grown-up where he/she is independent of financial support, a foreigner can be deported if you´re not within the nation´s interest especially if you have papers that are considered irregular in Brazil.

The RNE can be cancelled anytime depending on the whim of Brazilian authorities. Come and argue with a PF agent and you´ll see that you´re back to South Africa in an instant!

Read and educate yourself.




Art. 193. The Ministry of Justice and Public Security shall not proceed to the expulsion of those referred to in art. 192 when:

I - the measure to set up extradition not allowed by Brazilian law;

II - or expelling:

a) have a Brazilian child who is under their care or economic or socio-affective dependency or has a Brazilian person under their care;

b) has a spouse or companion residing in the Country, without any discrimination, recognized judicially or legally;

c) he / she has entered the country before he / she has reached the age of twelve years, since he / she has resided there since then; or

d) is a person over seventy years old who has lived in the country for over ten years, considering the gravity and the basis of the expulsion.



You mentioned one that I stated which has always been a part of the old law. I see that you don´t comprehend Portuguese or exercise your due diligence as to miss the facts that was stated with the link. The facts mentioned were socratic and NO COUNTRY WOULD SANCTION CRIMINAL PERMANENT RESIDENTS - with a Brazilian child or not. You commit crime and you have to serve the sentence and later on deported if they wish to, depending on the type committed.

Extradition is a different matter altogether which is initiated by another country. The topic which you initiated was "parents of a Brazilian child or spouses of Brazilians cannot be expelled regardless of their criminal record."

You must have a utopian view about all "things Brazil." Wake up and if you don´t believe me come to Brazil and see for yourself. If you´re so knowledgeable come and see how they throw unruly and disrespectful foreigners to a 50-person cell. It´s still third world but respect their laws as you would like foreigners to respect your country. I would not encourage you to do a disservice to your unborn child by putting him or her in a world that he or she probably would not want to deal with in the future.

You should be proud of your own country and deliver your child to a country that he or she rightfully belong...



Hi Shally4real,  please see below from the new law. Some people on this forum need some lessons in reading comprehension

Da expulsão

Art. 192.  A expulsão consiste em medida administrativa da retirada compulsoÌria do territoÌrio nacional instaurada por meio de Inquérito Policial de Expulsão, conjugada com impedimento de reingresso por prazo determinado do imigrante ou do visitante com sentença condenatória transitada em julgado pela prática de:

I - nos termos definidos pelo Estatuto de Roma do Tribunal Penal Internacional, de 1998, promulgado pelo Decreto no 4.388, de 2002:

a) crime de genocídio;

b) crime contra a humanidade;

c) crime de guerra; ou

d) crime de agressão; ou

II - crime comum doloso passível de pena privativa de liberdade, consideradas a gravidade e as possibilidades de ressocialização no território nacional.

Art. 193.  O Ministério da Justiça e Segurança Pública não procederá à expulsão daqueles a que se refere o art. 192 quando:

I - a medida configurar extradição não admitida pela lei brasileira;

II - o expulsando:

a) tiver filho brasileiro que esteja sob a sua guarda ou dependência econômica ou socioafetiva ou tiver pessoa brasileira sob a sua tutela;

b) tiver cônjuge ou companheiro residente no País, sem discriminação alguma, reconhecido judicial ou legalmente;

c) tiver ingressado no País antes de completar os doze anos de idade, desde que resida, desde então, no PaiÌs; ou

d) seja pessoa com mais de setenta anos que resida no PaiÌs haÌ mais de dez anos, considerados a gravidade e o fundamento da expulsão.


You´re just repeating the same words. There´s no material argument. You should come and commit crime to see if you´re immune.

You´ll be surprised with their latitude and interpretation of the laws regarding foreigners. There are unwritten rules that they practice and virtually all laws can be interpreted to their own advantage.

That was in the link. You should go back to elementary Portuguese.



We are talking about the new law with regards to spouses and parents of minor brazilian citizens and nothing more

You should go back to primary school to learn some reading comprehension because you are totally out of topic

Anyone who commit a crime will be punish regardless of their status (Brazilians and immigrants) but a brazilian Brazilian can not be expel and an immigrant who has a Brazilian child, a Brazilian under their care and the spouse of a Brazilian can not be expel as well under any circumstance, that is what I am talking about here and nothing more, that is exactly what the new law and the regulations says. DO YOU WANT ME TO TRANSLATE IT TO YOU TO MILITARY CODES TO HELP YOU UNDERSTAND EXACTLY WHAT I AM TALKING ABOUT HERE

Please read slowly and let it sink into your brains before commenting, you are embarrassing other military veterans


First of all there are no changes with regard to these aspect so don´t be quoting "the new law." We are not on the same page as you talk constantly about the norms written under the law of Brazilian immigrants with a Brazilian child and foreigners married to a Brazilian. We all know that and no need to lecture the morons and idiots right? And how about "OTHER" circumstances that I´ve trying to drive to your pea-sized brain?

I´m talking about people even with a Brazilian born child who committed a crime; people who have divorced their Brazilian spouses who are suddenly vulnerable to the draconian enforcement of Brazilian laws being declared a PERSONA NON GRATA;
people who abandons their responsibility to the financial well-being of a Brazilian child; people who loses custody of the said child due to neglect and are deportable
as he or she now falls against the interest of the state.

So don´t further embarrass yourself by banging on the same broken chord all the time. YOU are a very inflexible and argumentative person as has been recorded on previous encounters with you. I can talk all day about issues that bother me so don´t start again. If you give the right information I wouldn´t have any qualms with you. It´s the spreading
of the wrong information that bothers me. Children or spouses are not shields to prevent the PF and the Minister of Justice to enforce the laws. Their lines are so fused that any respective department can enforce virtually any immigration rules as the PF
is also under the Ministerio de Justiça. There are not even a spot on the laws of how you can receive justice as you are under siege by them. Go and read slowly the link that
I mentioned. I read straight Potuguese so you should use a Google Tradutor. Capiche?

Don´t be talking about military matters that you are IGNORANT about. Do you know what codes are? And don´t talk about things above your paygrade.

If you are of no benefit, maybe you should stay out altogether. Your ideas are so shallow
that there´s no mental challenge. Stay in South Africa!

Over and out!



First of all there are no changes with regard to these aspects so don´t be quoting "the new law." We are not on the same page as you talk constantly about the norms written under the law of Brazilian immigrants with a Brazilian child and foreigners married to a Brazilian. We all know that and no need to lecture the morons and idiots right? And how about "OTHER" circumstances that I´ve trying to drive to your pea-sized brain?

I´m talking about people even with a Brazilian born child who committed a crime; people who have divorced their Brazilian spouses who are suddenly vulnerable to the draconian enforcement of Brazilian laws being declared a PERSONA NON GRATA;
people who abandons their responsibility to the financial well-being of a Brazilian child; people who loses custody of the said child due to neglect and are deportable
as he or she now falls against the interest of the state.

So don´t further embarrass yourself by banging on the same broken chord all the time as it shows your level of intelligence. YOU are a very inflexible and argumentative person as has been recorded on previous encounters with you. I can talk all day about issues that bother me so don´t start again. If you give the right information I wouldn´t have any qualms with you. It´s the spreading
of the wrong information that bothers me. Children or spouses are not shields to prevent the PF and the Minister of Justice to enforce the laws. They have a very wide latitude and totally depends on their discretion and how they interpret the laws - TO THEIR ADVANTAGE of course.Their lines are so fused that any respective department can enforce virtually any immigration rules as the PF
is also under the Ministerio de Justiça. There are not even a spot on the laws of how you can receive justice as you are under siege by them. Go and read slowly the link that
I mentioned. I read straight Potuguese so you should use a Google Tradutor. Capiche?

Don´t be talking about military matters that you are IGNORANT about. Do you know what codes are? And don´t talk about things above your paygrade.

If you are of no benefit, maybe you should stay out altogether. Your ideas are so shallow
that there´s no mental challenge. Stay in South Africa!

Over and out!



Let me spell out my point again for the majority of people on this forum who have the ability to read and comprehend what they are reading

The parents of Brazilian minors and spouses of Brazilians can not be expel from Brazil regardless of their criminal record, that section of the law didn't change

  Some narrow minded people don't still understand the point I am trying to make here and don't understand the meaning of Spouses either. Someone who is divorce obviously doesn't fall under the category of spouses anymore   

Below please see extract from the new law, nothing has changed, Parents of Brazilian Minors and Spouses can not be expel from Brazil regardless of their criminal record, that is the only point I am making and nothing more. 

For that person who still can't understand my point,I do understand that the trauma of war can sometime be lifelong, I do sympathize with the predicament of the affected

From expulsion

Art. 192. Expulsion consists of an administrative measure for the compulsory withdrawal of the national territory established by means of a Police Expulsion Survey, combined with an impediment to re-entry for a determined term of the immigrant or the visitor with a final conviction conviction for the practice of:

I - as defined by the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court, 1998, promulgated by Decree the 4388, 2002 :

a) crime of genocide;

b) crime against humanity;

c) war crime; or

d) crime of aggression; or

II - common intentional crime punishable by deprivation of liberty, considering the seriousness and possibilities of resocialization in the national territory.

Art. 193. The Ministry of Justice and Public Security shall not proceed to the expulsion of those referred to in art. 192 when:

I - the measure to set up extradition not allowed by Brazilian law;

II - or expelling:

a) have a Brazilian child who is under their care or economic or socio-affective dependency or has a Brazilian person under their care;

b) has a spouse or companion residing in the Country, without any discrimination, recognized judicially or legally;

c) he / she has entered the country before he / she has reached the age of twelve years, since he / she has resided there since then; or

d) is a person over seventy years old who has lived in the country for over ten years, considering the gravity and the basis of the expulsion.


Samo, samo. I don't see any glitter of intelligence there. Just bags of hot air...


You're confirming some parts of liabilities
that I mentioned about child abandonment
financially, and custodial matters that can lead
to the flexible interpretation by Brazilian authorities.

Some parts are irrelevant about the topic you

These are matters that include discussions
for clarity. Matters written are different with
actual execution because subjective interpretation comes into play especially to
matters of the law.

Be careful with misleading statements.
If you're really sharp you should behave like



Well well, I have explained my point clearly enough for a Primary school pupil to understand

We all know that any law in any country can be misinterpreted that is why the Courts are there to interpret and give clarity when such cases arise, my point here is not about the interpretation of laws and wrong implementation

The section of the law I am referring to is clearly written and understandable, of course by someone with the ability to read and comprehend the basics (Primary school pupil)   

This particular section of the Immigration law has not changed, it has been implemented correctly for more than a decade, why will someone think that the authority will misinterpret it now

Well well, there is a say that "THE BEST ANSWER TO A FOOL IS SILENCE"  I think it is time for me to implement that rather that descending to the level of fools



You must have OCD to keep repeating things that have been mentioned a few times. But that is good for Alzeimers people like you to maintain things in their mind. The best thing now is for you to disappear before you further degrade and confirm yourself to the level of an imbecil. Look, I did not mention idiot which is the last category. You´re a step above that, so cheer up.

Whatever things that are hurting you, YOU brought it to yourself. Whatever lowly remarks that you mentioned THEY ALL APPLY TO NOBODY BUT YOU!

YOU only appear to bring negativity to this forum like what you did the last time. For a woman you are unlady- like and very bitter. You were the cause why my post was taken away the last time.

You should vanish to the deserts of Africa. We don´t want people like you in Brazil. I hope these remarks are considered for good riddance.

The next time I wouldn´t be subdued or considerate of any of your remarks!




C'mon guy. This forum is a place to come to for advice. Arguments and name calling do nothing but cause problems. someone needing advice may be very much confused by now. Let's keep it civil. We are here to help not argue.




I´m sure you know the whole story. This individual, on my last post that I initiated, attacked me and used offensive and fowl language. I did report her at least 5 times to ½ûÂþÌìÌà during her attack. The post was suspended and later on pulled out. I thought she was removed on Brazil forum but to my disgust she´s still operating.

So here we are. I´m just giving her a taste of her own medicine. That´s the only one
that works on these kind of people if you were to house clean.

I´ve given lots of advices on this forum to help people. But I don´t have to suffer the stupidity of some people who lacks the ability to be civil on public. She got what she deserved and a little overdue at that. A little setback should be ok to take care of things first...

I´m sure you know the reason why we continue taking the risks of being insulted without any
compensation. We put time and due diligence to answer as much as possible and suggest solutions. Just the feeling that you are doing something for the betterment of someone is enough.

I don´t sugarcoat of what I see in Brazil so that people have a better perspective of things and be able to tailor their needs. BAD and GOOD things - I mention to let them know what they´re facing if they decide to come and join us. This individual I mentioned above was saying that I was bashing the host country. Unfortunately for some people when their fixed ideas are against of what I´ve mentioned they lash out with anger and use fowl languages to create discord. The best way really is to voice out your opinion and that´s that. Let the people reading it decide of what´s right or wrong.



Hi Shally4real

I will like to point out another section in the new regulation that clearly says that Residence permit application for family reunion shall not be refused because of the criminal conviction, submitting police report is pointless when it comes to family reunion

Please see below

Refusal to grant, refuse, forfeit and cancel the residence permit

Article 132. A residence permit shall not be granted to a person convicted criminally in the Country or abroad by a final judgment, provided that the conduct is typified in Brazilian criminal law, except in cases where:

I - the conduct characterizes infraction of minor offensive potential;

II - the period of five years, after the extinction of the sentence, has elapsed;

III - the crime to which the immigrant has been condemned abroad is not subject to extradition or the punishment under Brazilian law is extinguished; or

IV - the application for a residence permit is based on:

a) health treatment;

b) humanitarian reception;

c) family reunion;

(d) residence agreement and free movement; or

e) compliance with punishment in the country.


If you have a child who was born in Brazil, you can receive it automatically if you (the parents) wanted Brazilian nationality and then you can receive Brazilian nationality on the basis of your child, but to do that, I would advise you to ask for help from a lawyer because it requires a lot of paperwork and a lot of patience because of the bureaucracy in Brazil.This way you will lose time and achieve your goal without any problems and lose your nerve. many lawyers who are professionals in this field and can help you.
I wish successes.


Hi ,

My wife and I are Indian nationals but both our daughters are born in Brazil and are citizens they are both minors . we are now in Brazil and would like to apply for Permanent residency . Can you please let us know what is the process and what are the complete documents we require .

Thanks in advance for your help



please any one can answer this questions, I am having the same doubt?!!!


Does anyone recommend a person who can assist me in applying For Permanent Resident Based On Brazilian Born Child.

I need help setting up the appointment and handling some small details. I can pay for your help.

Thank you


*** Olga, she can help. Tell her that Murat from Turkmenistan recommended.

Moderated by Priscilla 6 years ago
Reason : please share contact details in private only
aquarela 1981

Dear Jim or anyone here that may have this information. I am applying for permanency based on having a Brazilian child and will be submitting my information tommorow. My question is that I will be submitting a fee waiver ( hyposuficiency ) do I still need to fill out the online application if I will have GRU waived? Is there a paper version I need to fill out? I have been trying to call the Federal Police but noone answers. Thanks so much for any knowledge you have to share!



                 Sometime receita fedral nothing answer telephone. better you go to direct fedral office will resolve your problem easily. About base of child for apply permanent residence will  easily get RNE.
but need some deceleration forum.



Does one lose his/her permanent residency by leaving Brazil for a certain period of time?


post wrote:

Does one lose his/her permanent residency by leaving Brazil for a certain period of time?

Yes.  If a resident foreigner is absent from Brazil for more than two years (continuous) without clearing the absence with the Federal Police,  his/her permanent residency is canceled.

aquarela 1981

Does anyone have experience applying for hyposufficiency for fines? I tried to get information about what documents I'd need to prove my hyposufficiency but the people at PF seemed reluctant to provide any information


aquarela 1981

You're requesting exemption from a fee, not a fine, so that may have confused the Federal Police person with whom you spoke.
If you complete and sign this form and submit it in lieu of proof of payment, it should be accepted:

If challenged, the legal basis of the request is this Portaria of the Justice Ministry:

Make sure that you complete the document accurately, because filing a false statement is a punishable offense.


Has anyone become a permanent resident then got their citizenship in Brazil via their child being born in Brazil? How long did you have to wait to become a citizen? What was the process? thanks in advance.


Hello guys, Please  a friend of mine got married here in Brazil for the past 4 years and 5 months, now his marriage has problems, the wife is asking for divorce, so my question is that, will he loose his RNE perminent resident permit after divorce ? concerning the new laws, please i need your help for me friend. Thank you


My daughter was born in Brazil to a Brazilian mother but they both moved to Sweden soon after and my daughter grew up in Sweden.
I have shared custody of her, but she is soon going to be 18.
Can I apply for residency in Brazil?

I’m very greatf for any help/info.



sweden123 wrote:

My daughter was born in Brazil to a Brazilian mother but they both moved to Sweden soon after and my daughter grew up in Sweden.
I have shared custody of her, but she is soon going to be 18.
Can I apply for residency in Brazil?

I’m very greatf for any help/info.

If your daughter is a fulltime student and dependent on you for support, you may still have time to apply for your visa, go to Brazil, and apply for permanent residency.  If not, time's up when she turns 18.

Check the website of the Brazilian Embassy in Stockholm for the rules on a VITEM XI visa for family reunion, and contact them with any specific questions on your situation.


gonzaga wrote:

Hello guys, Please  a friend of mine got married here in Brazil for the past 4 years and 5 months, now his marriage has problems, the wife is asking for divorce, so my question is that, will he loose his RNE perminent resident permit after divorce ? concerning the new laws, please i need your help for me friend. Thank you

If your friend has lived with the spouse for those years and has no criminal issues in Brasil, there is a low percentage of losing s/he's status.
All RNE/CRNM holders must report any change of address to the PF.


aquarela 1981
This is an interesting question.
abthree has pointed out the complete issues.
Here is a site for a form to file for relief for a justice claim in Brazil:

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