

Private hospitals/clinics in Dusseldorf and surrounding area

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Hello all,

I need to get a second opinion about a medical issue at a private clinic in Dusseldorf ( or surrounding area ... Essen, Koln, Munster ... ).

As I don't speak any german I'm finding it hard to find a list of private hospitals in the area. The hospital needs to have an surgery department and be able to converse with me in English.

Any information offered would be gratefully received as I need to see a surgeon as soon as possible.

Thank you!

See also

The German healthcare systemElderly care in GermanyEmergency in GermanyHaving a baby in GermanyPrivate insurance issue

Sorry don't know much about Dusseldorf, however I had some surgery done at the Polyclinic in Frankfurt which is a very large university teaching hospital. I don't speak much German except how to order beer. Didn't have any problem communicating with the Doctors as they all spoke fairly decent English, the ancillary staff nurses etc. was different story but everyone went above and beyond to make my several day visit as pleasant as possible. Check with your consulate they normally have a list of English speaking facilities. IMHO health care in Germany is as good as the US and better in some areas. You should check out one of the larger Polyclinics in Dusseldorf I'm sure you will find what you're looking for.
I see you're from Amsterdam which also has some good health care.



Thanks for your reply Dan. I'll check out Frankfurt. Is the polyclinic you mention a public or private hospital?

Unfortunately, I'm not satisfied with the healthcare here in the Netherlands which is why I am seeking a consultation in Germany. It's good in the fact that everyone is covered and the facilities are all modern and well equipped but the general 'let's see if it gets better, have a cup of tea' approach gets very old very quickly ;).


The Polyclinic is a public faculty. I am no longer in Germany but have friends that I can inquire about private top notch Kliniks. I recall one that several spoke about unfortunately I can not recall the name. As for the comment about the general let's see if it gets better approach you might have to leave Europe. Not all but a lot of doctors and hospital in Germany try to use the holistic and natural medicinal approach first before cutting and filling you full of drugs.
I will make a couple calls for you and see what I come up with.



This is the website of the hospital I used it translates to english. I was impressed with the service.


why are you looking for a private hospital?
you, as a dutch, should pay privately (i.e. as anybody else without german health insurance) anyway.
if you tell me what exactly the medical issue is (i am a medical doctor), i can make a recommendation.
Frankfurt is too far away, the university clinic of uni Duisburg-Essen, as well as the Uni-Dusseldorf are very good and driving so south in germany is not justified.


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