I'm not aware of arts festivals in T&T. Or film. There may be random events or exhibitions, but it's not a trend in this country.
There's a jazz festivals in Tobago.
There are many food fests, mainly axed around cocoa, so they'll happen between october-march (cocoa harvest time). In Lopinot and Brasso Seco, the local commuities organize culinary events, and so does Santa Cruz Green Market, sometimes.
Then there's a list here, traditional festivals and holiday time:
Aside from that, there are some Orisha festivals: Obatala, Egungun, Obaluwaye, and an Orisha Ocean Festival in Tobago.
And a chinese Dragon-boat festival in Chaguaramas.
Maybe this isn't exactly what you were looking for, but this is what Trinidad has. If you find out more, let me know.