HI Joekhmer thanks a lot for your input. I presently live in India and have done so for the past 17 yrs, here medical treatment is very good, big modern hospitals and very cheap. If you don't mind waiting around a bit to see a doctor or get admitted, the very good Government hospitals are free for everything, I have never had to think about insurance or worry about health issues. I do plan on moving to Cambodia so the salad days of not worrying about health are over, your method of health check ups is one I follow as well. I went home to Australia in March this year, and the health system is free there, so I hopped in and had a colonoscopy whilst there, got the all clear and do not have to have another for 4 years, reason I had that is in Aust it's all about getting looked at for possible bowel cancer, or any thing they can prevent with early detection. I guess anything really worrying perhaps in future I'd jump on a plane and head back for treatment, airfares to Australia are cheap. It's just the here and now with me, like having a secure feeling that there is some type of medical care around in Cambodia if needed. I agree with you too in regards to the insurance costs, I checked out an Australian one recently, it was all about what they didn't cover, just about everything pre-existing like nothing for asthma, if you have been to hospital within a 24 month period, most people like myself with asthma have, anyway tough luck there. The evacuation part looked sketchy too. Not to Bangkok but an economy flight back to Aust for treatment, costing them nothing for the treatment. So in all anyone could do that themselves.At the moment here its the end of the monsoon season in South India torrential rain for weeks, constant damp and a no win just trying to keep the mold at bay that gets into everything. and causes me breathing problems, I just put myself into hospital a month ago, just for the rest in a private room with TV, very affordable, but then you always have to check out again and back to all that water and steamy heat with nearly 100% humidity, though I have not always lived in this state, I moved over from a much dryer state where I did quite well, maybe should have stayed put. Here for four years has been a bit of a battle. Not too sure about the weather in Phnom pehn! but I would hazard a guess that it would not be as steamy as Kerala is, sauna conditions at times and no respite for days, the heat I don't mind but the very high humidity is the clincher that can put a dampner on an otherwise okay looking day.. So Joe I'm off in search of perhaps another cluster of mold, it just creeps in and takes over.. sort of like "the Thing" ll the best!