Lean F
Good Morning
Many thanks for informing me about your experiences of your husband getting a Yellow Card. It seem that his siblings Kebele ID was more than enough evidence. The authorities would have look at as his family file which will confirm that your husband father was Ethiopian. The rules are very strict under proclamation 270 you can get the Yellow Card though parents’ and grandparents.
I have official got my Yellow Card last month. I did it though the Ethiopian Embassy, I need provided evidence that my grandfather was Ethiopian) I got many evidence from my grandfather region including his birth certificate and documents from his regional capital and his municipality. It was enough evidence to be granted a Yellow Card. It took 5 weeks get the Yellow ID card. I paid 200 USD.
The tricky part, is that if don’t have family members in Ethiopia provided you help getting documents, Then you need go yourself.  I was lucky I had my family members to help me secure the documents and took 5 months to secure all documents.
You need all documents to be stamped by your regional high court and translations too. Remember all documents must be in Amharic or have transnationals in Amharic) I.E. in Afar regions & Harari regions, they have own language, all officials documents done in Afar & Harari Region languages, you need get does documents translated into Amharic.
Ethiopia has over 80 ethnicity and 9 regional states and 2 Administrative states each region speaks their own languages.  Population of Ethiopia today is 105 million.
I send you my congratulations for your husband getting the Yellow Card) Please find out as a spouse if you can get a Yellow Card.
I am aware that wife’s are allowed apply for Yellow Card. When return back home country, visit the Ethiopian Embassy diaspora section, I am sure officials will be able provided good information on this matter.
If you are still in the Ethiopia capital, ask the Immigration & Nationality Dept. that deals with the Yellow Card regarding issuing Yellow Cards to spouse.