In my experience in the middle east, was that there are a lot of credit card frauds, people get their way round to others finances through clever talks. with so much debt on credit card there must be a burden on his mental health, firstly he should close his credit card and check for the history of what he used from that card. then he should highlight which he didn't use. this will give him some relief that he didn't misuse the card be able to understand the debt. he should find what he is capable of and look for work here. earn some money and pay the credit card bill after all the card is in his hands and he should pay it to avoid unnecessary tension from the people who are chasing his finances. and it should be done only once not like a life time responsibility. try living on what one earns themselves and they should not take bank credit for long term. because the purpose of the credit card is that it is issued from the bank as a gesture that their financial health is good and the credit card makes promise to the place where it is used that they will pay for the product or the service they are using. and the holder of the card should pay through the agreed paying procedure as mentioned when they sign for the credit card when they reach home.
The main purpose of the credit card is that it is used when there is shortage in the cash in hand, meaning the cash they are holding in their wallets or taken out for carrying out their daily expenses.