

Dengue and Chikingunya


What is the story concerning Dengue and Chikingunya in Brazil?  Is it in all places?  I am a healthy, young 70 years old but I do take blood pressure meds and have been told that I cannot take them in Brazil as they will kill me if I get Dengue.  I made it through Covid twice last year but now I am worried about Dengue, especially since I will be traveling and living alone.  I have online student friends around Brazil, but no one to really help me there. What do you think?

See also

The healthcare system in BrazilAccidents and emergencies in BrazilPregnancy in BrazilAre There Any Doorbell Monitors Available In Brazil?Medicare Part B - Should I stay or should I go?


Hi, Becky,

Dengue and chickungunya are both endemic throughout Brazil, usually at relatively low levels.  Both are spread principally by mosquitoes of the genus Aedes, which are daytime biters, so normal precautions against mosquito bites (e.g., long pants, long sleeves, insect repellant) as you go about your daily routine are pretty effective.   Follow any local government guidance on visiting public parks.

Here are the CDC fact sheets on both diseases, including advice on prevention:


Depends upon where you go.  My first trip I landed in Belo Horizonte, rented a car, drove all the way to
Chapada Diamantina, hiked in the mountains for weeks, then drove back.  I never saw one mosquitoe the whole time, over a month.  But more recently, I have spent time touring Salvador and time hanging out in Bom Jesus da Lapa on the Sao Fransisco River ....those places, there are mosquitoes, although not in concentrations that even remotely come close to my home on the Potomac River ....those diseases are real and they are a genuine threat, but there are not huge numbers of people that get them, actually only a very few .....


An interesting fact here in the South. We have more dengue cases and many deaths due to dengue than Covid currently. At first, a few were diagnosed with dengue early on when Covid was the illness.
Not many here seem to be paying attention to the precautions abthree mentioned. We have not had a case of Zika or Chikung reported that I know of last year.
We do not have the resources for spraying anymore due to Coivd.
All are not specific to Brazil. It is worldwide, so what you do at home is the same here.
Always have repellant. Talk with your doctor as to Tylenol and such to help. Brasil uses so much salt I am surprised that the majority of Brazilians do not have high blood pressure, but live every day with these skitters!!



Texanbrazil and Inubia provide some good perspective above.

I've lived in Brazil a total of seven years now, mostly in the North and Northeast.  I've never caught either, and I don't take any more precautions than the ones I've mentioned.  My husband is a native of Manaus.  He had dengue as a child, has never had chikungunya.  So it's kind of a lottery:  the chance of hitting the number is always there, but you probably won't.


beckybannon wrote:

What is the story concerning Dengue and Chikingunya in Brazil?  Is it in all places?  I am a healthy, young 70 years old but I do take blood pressure meds and have been told that I cannot take them in Brazil as they will kill me if I get Dengue.  I made it through Covid twice last year but now I am worried about Dengue, especially since I will be traveling and living alone.  I have online student friends around Brazil, but no one to really help me there. What do you think?

I'm on 14 years living part-time to half-time in Brazil, mostly in the state of SP with additional travel to other areas.  I have never heard this to be an issue, just something to think about. Keep a can of some kind of spray DEET around, the higher the percentage, the better, Repel 100, Coleman 100,  Sawyer MAX, etc.  Unlike home remedies or perfume company sprays, they completely work.


last time I flew home, they let me keep my pen knife, but confiscated my mosquito spray ....


Inubia wrote:

last time I flew home, they let me keep my pen knife, but confiscated my mosquito spray ....

I returned to the USA in January, TSA took two refrigerator magnets I was bringing to a friend stating I could not bring magnets aboard in my carry-on.


An interesting study was written about infecting mosquitoes with bacteria which when larva hatch they do not carry dengue.
The study is done in India.
Since there is no vaccine they are trying something new.


I found AU began this research in 2020:


Interesting information regarding new methods for controlling dengue.
Research like this is carried out in labs like the one in Wuhan China. Hopefully research is done with extreme caution.
I’ve read that dengue is not sooo deadly. Should I be so concerned?


Dengue is all around the world. So do as you would do in the outdoors.
Our neighbor had dengue twice and the second time we almost lost him.
Just the normal precaution of insect repellant use goes a long way.


Golsucks wrote:

Interesting information regarding new methods for controlling dengue.
Research like this is carried out in labs like the one in Wuhan China. Hopefully research is done with extreme caution.
I’ve read that dengue is not sooo deadly. Should I be so concerned?


It's extremely variable.   Some people barely notice it, some people are briefly but seriously sick, and some people it takes down hard, fast, and fatally.

If you get symptoms, it's best to see a doctor, and not try to walk it off, especially if you have any comorbidities, or are a little older.


Thanks Tex




Any time.


Jesus I just got my first case of zika. and its the lighter out of the 3. lol worst experience in my life lol


like heads up for symptoms on that one - joint pains fever , mild vertigo in the mix, ideally can be avoided by screens like what we have in our house, but all it takes is for a little hole in a screen and thats all it took. 10 days gestation time before you notice the symptoms


Mikeflanagan wrote:

Jesus I just got my first case of zika. and its the lighter out of the 3. lol worst experience in my life lol

Yikes!  How are you doing now?  Get well soon.  :top:


all good now man. lol came in good timing too only a week downtime off work xD