Would love observations / opinions on how female ex-pats are generally treated in Baku. I have spent 2 weeks in Baku - one week in December and one in February; I will be there full time beginning March 1st for at least 1 year. This is my first Ex-Pat assignment; I have traveled extensively but, never to this part of the world and never for an extended period of time. I have certainly noticed the stares by the seemingly endless small groups of men that gather and simply hang out on the streets. I avoid eye contact and just keep moving to my destination which seems to work in avoiding any confrontation. How should I handle confrontation from people on the streets? the police? What is the safest way to get a taxi? What should I specifically avoid? Any advice would be great! Thanks!
Simply try not to pay attention to those people. There are bunch of people (teenagers etc) who have nothing to do but simply hanging out on streets and commenting on people passing by... What expats here do, they usually get one taxi's number and always call that person when they need a taxi. It is considered safe rather than catching different taxi.
Being an Azeri, i'd say the comment on the people commenting on by-passers is pretty much correct. Sometimes though, even azerbaijanis themselves get such comments. Nothing hostile, but it gets tough sometimes.