I previously posted the following on another thread back in January. Unfortunately, the embedded link below doesn't work so you'll have to create the excel spreadsheet yourself.
"Hi fellow Brazilian Expats. I have seen previous Expat posts where folks are trying to count the number of days in Brazil before they stay too long on their tourist visas. I created this spreadsheet linked below to try to keep track of my time in Brazil to ensure that I don't bust the 90-day visa duration, and the 180-day total time allowed in Brazil within a 365-day period on a Brazilian tourist visa. Hopefully this link will be a helpful tool to keep folks out of trouble. I do not know if this tourist visa ruling is applicable to citizens of countries other than the USA.
… 1o/pubhtml
I would appreciate if someone smarter than me in math could validate (and correct if necessary) this spreadsheet at the link above. Unfortunately, the embedded formulas did not carry over to the link above, so I provided instructions to re-create the spreadsheet yourself. It should not be that difficult to make it.
Let me explain what I did with this spreadsheet:
Columns A, B and C should be self-explanatory.
In Column D, I entered the number of days I was in Brazil for that month and future months I plan to be in Brazil.
In column E, I tallied up the number of days I was already in Brazil and futre days I plan to be in Brazil within a rolling twelve-month period. Therefore, I took the number in the cell above in column E and added it together with the Days In Brazil number in Column D in the same row to get a rolling tally (for example: cell E14 is equal to E13 plus D14). So in Cell E3 (Column E, Row 3) type "=E2+D3". Do not type the quotation marks into the cell; I tried to use them to clarify. Then you copy that cell. When you highlight that cell, you will see a little box in the lower right corner of the cell. Grab that box with your cursor and drag it down to Cell E44. It should populate the formula in all those cells.
However, that worked fine for the first twelve rolling months, but in Row 15 of Column E, I had to start subtracting the number of days I spent in Brazil thirteen months prior. Therefore, I modified the formula in Row 15 of Column E to the following: =E14+D15-D3 and then continued that formula for the rest of Column E. So in cell E15 type "=E14+D15-D3". Do the same formula copy as in the step above from Cell E15 to Cell E44.
In Column F, in order to track how many days I can stay in Brazil within 365 days without busting the 180-day duration limit, I simply subtracted the days in "Rolling Days in Brazil" (Column E) from 180. So type in Cell F2 "=180-E2". Do the same formula copy as in the step above from Cell F2 to Cell F44.
In Column G I thought maybe it would be helpful to show the rolling months.
I hope this is accurate and helpful to fellow Expats who are trying to ensure that they don't bust their Brazilian tourist visa limitations. Good luck, Eric"