As a long time expat resident of the DR I can say this.
Around March 2020 we were faced with a choice: Going to Europe (NO thanks), stay at one of our homes in Florida (we feared we might get locked in and overstay our visas, so no again) or go back to the DR where we have a house on the North Coast.
I must say that we made the right choice! It was one of the oddly most reasonable countries to be in.
The DR has very open news channels to the US... you get CNN Int'l, CNN USA and CNN en Español as well as FoxNEWS.
The political reaction was however NOT related to Trump or not to Trump as seen in the US, and Fauci generated only limited excitement.
The medial class formed virtual study groups and by June 2020 published a treatment protocol using Ivermectin (which CNN evidently did NOT share that most of Latin America was fairly soon treating with what they downgraded as "Horse"-medicine.). The regiment included treating medical staff preventively every week, from the top floor to cleaning personnel. While we knew several people in Europe and the US who were declared "Covid deaths" we have known NONE personally or in our friendships in the DR.
Evidently, tourism suffered, but the influx of "la remesa" (Dominicans abroad sending money to family) actually went up.
BUILDING went up during 2020, 2021 and 2022 to the point that materials and workforce became extremely difficult to find.
New cars being bought left and right, and quite frankly, we observe the birth of a comfortable Dominican "young" (27-40 years old, academics with new family) middle class being able to buy $500'000 homes in Santiago and Santo Domingo and even small vacation homes on the coast. As matter of fact, Puerto Plata's aging Playa Dorada hotel complex, which just had started seeing older 2nd and 3rd row hotels being converted into condos and duplex townhomes is being bought up by over 80% Dominicans who are not part of the old oligarchy class... at back then $1800/m2 and now over $2500/m2!
While the DR too implemented the vaccine program, they didn't insist over 2 doses.
Very soon, even sooner than Florida, masks came down with few exceptions. Now they are down everywhere.
One of the first countries to NOT ask for proof of vaccine or Covid tests to re-activate tourism. However tourist flights were still down 50% compared to peak numbers before Covid, while cruise ship visits are up several 100%.
The DR is on track to be the highest median income country in the Caribbean, just few years after having been lifted from 3rd world country status to "Developing Country".
All in all, a little bolder than Florida and with much more limited abilities, it's been a huge success. After observing other countries where governments took the opportunity to inflict ideology and power on their people, the DR sailed this one like a boss!
What worries me more lately, is the more and more noticeable resurgence of drugs and the damage they do. The Sex-tourism "clientele" is every lower and so are the "ladies" and there is a lot of carelessness which seems to create obvious health problems.
The new drugs which are cheap and can be made "locally", seem to peddled by the same guys who now seem to take control over the "ladies" and it's horrid to watch the results in a country where only 15 years ago, drugs were not mentioned on the street.
... J-D. Sauser