
Extending Digital Nomad Visa - Bug on MigranteWeb website?



When trying to CADASTRAR PROCESSO on MigranteWeb for extending my Digital Nomad Visa, I keep getting a message saying I'm inputting the incorrect CEP. I'm not and the address is filling out correctly and I did this last year. But it won't let me submit the application until this is fixed. I've tried other CEPs and nothing works. What do I do here? I have very limited time. The CEP is 01314-000 and the message I get is "CEP invalido" even though the address fills out correctly automatically.

See image. Any help appreciated.

See also

Marriage in BrazilTravel to BrazilRetirement in BrazilExpat death in BrazilCPF for foreigners

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attempting to post image againScreenshot-2025-03-11-191336.png


I looked up that CEP. It is the base for a neighborhood in São Paulo. Usually in bigger cities the last digits after the dash are for more granularity, I think it’s related to the building number. This may be the issue in your case. Here’s what my google search turned up.

Where is the zip code 01314000 from?

The zip code 01314000 or 01314-000 belongs to the city of São Paulo, state of São Paulo and covers - up to 799/800 of Rua Santo Antônio, in the Bela Vista neighborhood.

So, a proper CEP for this area would likely be 01314-001 through 01314-800.  There is a similar setup in the USA it’s called zip+4.  It basically pinpoints the zip code to a specific address, not just the neighborhood.

If you have a utility bill it may include these three digits after the dash, or it may simply be the building number. You may need to ask at the local post office.

You can also search by address for your CEP here, google “Correios CEP”, they have a tool to lookup CEP by address.


So I just for fun plugged in some random 3 digit numbers, 010 and 020 for a test on Correios CEP lookup. It appears the last 3 digits are used as street name identifiers, not building numbers. However, the codes I queried were indeed in the Bela Vista neighborhood. So, using 000 is probably unacceptable in that big a city.



your screen print shows a period or comma in the number, maybe that’s the issue?


your screen print shows a period or comma in the number, maybe that’s the issue? - @bepmoht

When I order online I enter my eight digit CEP and the software reformats it to five digits, a dash, and three digits.

Usually the next form fills in my street, neighborhood, city and the CEP. I enter the building number, and apartment number goes in an optional field. And my full name is required, of course.