All of that depends on the city where you live and what your looking for. If you want a more natural birth experience or a home birth than you need to seek out a 助産師(Midwife) or a 助産院(Midwife Clinic). If you want the hospital experience then you need to go to a 総合病院 (General Hosptial) with a 産科分娩部 (OBGYN/Labor and Delivery Ward), 産婦人科病院(OBGYN Hospital), or a レディーズクリニク (Ladies Clinic).
In order to receive the Birth Allowance (出産一時金) and money for your prenatal care (母子手帳のしおりの無料券) from the government you must register your pregnancy at your City Hall and seek care within your city limits. If you go outside of your city for care and giving birth you will not receive any of this money and you will pay everything out of your own pocket because national health insurance and workers insurance doesn't cover prenatal care or labor and delivery (because of the Birth Allowance agreement).
Overall you should be able to find great care in just about any city in Japan. You have to do your own research depending on what your looking for. Review the hospital's policies before hand (whether or not they will allow your husband in the room with you during the delivery or a C-Section, whether or not the baby can sleep with you in your room over night (many hospitals will not allow this but some do, mine didn't) etc. I would personally recommend enrolling in extra specialized insurance coverage if you and your husband do not already have Seimei Hoken. If your in Oosaka and require an English speaking staff because you do not speak Japanese I would recommend a big hospital like the Red Cross Hospital or the Catholic Hospital. I went to a really nice Ladies Hospital with both Dr.s and midwives for my prenatal care and delivery but not one member of staff or Dr. spoke English more than ("Hello!, How are you?-I'm fine Thank you and you!, My name is...") however, I speak Japanese so it wasn't a problem. I ended up needing an emergency C-Section and the extra insurance we enrolled in for "just in case"? was a life saver and covered the rest of the cost that the Birth Allowance did not cover (birth allowance is about 420,000yen in most cities in Japan).
In reality there is no "best place" because "best" is highly subjective. The cost should be relatively the same across the board so you will find that most places offer the exact same thing. What really matters is the Staff that will be working with you and how safe and comfortable you feel under their care. If you go to an Anti-Natal care appointment and don't like the Dr. or Midwife go somewhere else until you find one you like.
Good Luck!