Move to Latvia? Advice Needed!
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Hi All,
I'm new here.
I'm Italian and my (future) wife is Latvian. We have been living together for 2 years now and are going to get married in the next year. We lived for a short while in Italy, waiting for my transfer to Germany (as I requested) and 6 months in London for a project of my company.
We are now stable in Germany since October 2011 but always with the thought about what to do in the next future. In fact I would like to settle down, buy a house and start our own family. But before this we must understand in which country to live.
Our situation here in Germany is very fine, I have a good job in a big and safe IT company and she has a small job in and another IT company. I must say that her mind is always towards Latvia... when we talk, it's pretty clear and she also says it sometimes, that she thinks about her future about growing a family, just in Latvia.
Now, I'm not against that, I'm pretty open to everything, I think I could live anywhere. But my point, and she knows it, is:
I don't want to move somewhere else and lower my condition and life style, after having worked hard to reach this point where we are. So if we ever move to Latvia, it must be with at least ONE good and safe job, that would allow us to have money enough and a bit more.
Now the question to you guys: what do you think about all this?
I spoke 3 languages fluently and plan to learn Latvian, although I already know some of it and understand the main sense of the easy conversations. I have experience in big IT companies over Italy, UK and Germany and am still pretty young (29).
Do you think I might have some good possibilities in there? What would you do in my place? Would it be too crazy leaving such a position for Latvia?
I hope to receive many comments and advises. Questions are welcome as well. Please make some light in this doubtful darkness!
Thanks a lot in advance.
Kind Regards,
Hello Federico.
Welcome to ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ!
I hope other members will give you some advices.
Thank you,
´¡³Ü°ùé±ô¾±±ð wrote:Hello Federico.
Welcome to ½ûÂþÌìÌÃ!
I hope other members will give you some advices.
Thank you,
There has been some discussion about the impact of moving to Latvia for people in your/our circumstances.
I myself moved here as a web developer just recently. I moved here, from Canada, for my partner, however we're not married.
Your question is as long as the answer, and I can't tell you wether or not it'd a good idea, but I can describe some differences between Italy Germany and Latvia.
1. Salaries here are much lower than in Germany, and definitely lower than in Italy (for my field.)
2. Cost of living here is significantly lower than much of Europe. I can easily live on 10 Euros a day, possibly even feed my lady for that much;
3. Food is important here. There are plenty of fast food, and better restaurants, but home cooked is better. Today I borught in some cheese-cakes to the office, and my colleague was excited until he found out that I bought them. I have yet to meet someone here who can't tell me which are the best wild mushrooms to pick, and blueberries grow in the woods next to my house. Food is also quite cheap (compared to Canada;)
4. Family is important here. People start families younger, and maintain strong connection with their families;
5. People in Latvia are "colder' than Italians, but "warmer" than Germans;
6. Latvia is safe (in European terms;)
7. This country is beautiful. It has forests, beaches, lakes, swamps (pleasant ones) and a couple of small hills. The people are also quite beautiful.
8. The people here are very connected to their land - with festivals and practices focusing on weather and season. There is religion here, but it is not significant.
Now - the harder parts:
1. General medicine is easy to find and cheap (there are free options of lower quality.) Higher medicine is expensive and requires waiting. That said, the rest of Europe isn't far away.
2. The country is poor by European standards. There are plenty of families living on low incomes, some living on salaries that I've only seen in 3rd world countries. With poverty comes crime, and substance problems (very much more on the alcohol rather than drugs.) Really the problem with poverty is that people suffer, and want better. I must say that I have never had any problems with crime and that I always feel safe here.
The not so important things:
1. The road here are poor;
2. Most people leave the country to go shopping;
3. The Brits still like to come here for a weekend to pissed drunk
IF You can land a good salary:
1. There are plenty of fabulous places to live. It is quite common to live in a small town outside of the big cities, in a country home, and work in the city. there are also lot's of fantastic flats (I only know about Riga really.)
2. Downtown (Riga) has plenty of things to do, for eating, watching, listening and definitely dancing. Nightlife here is strong, but more above ground, and the opera and ballet here are both fantastic and affordable.
3.The county is covered in wonderful guest houses and castles/palaces to visit;
The best thing to do would be to visit the country. Come in summer and stay for at least a week. Find some things to do in the city, and some things to do outside of the city.
If I can think of other things I will. Sorry but I don't have the time to proofread my comments here.
[edit: clarify that crime is not a real problem here]
Hi jaxxed,
Thank you very much!
You have written soooo many things, although I should say that I was in Latvia already many times (also for longer than 1 week) and not just in Riga and I felt on my skin the things you said, which I can definitely confirm they are true!
My doubt is more about the income and the possibilities of finding a good job really... My girlfriend comes from Cesis (fabulous place if you are interested) and lived in Riga for many years, hence she knows very well how it works and how it doesn't work there!
Anyway, if you have any other comments, you are very welcome to post them, as I will gladly read them!
Thanks again,
Have a nice night,
One more comment, just about the career side of things:
I am currently working for a smaller company back home, but I much prefer it. There are plenty of technology companies here, that are young, exciting and trying to push the envelope. There is also a recent push for commerce over the web, and the internet bandwidth available her is fantastic.
There are of course multinationals here for large scale IT stuff, but they are the typical large boring companies doing the same old thing.
Overall, most companies here are hungry for qualified IT staff with experience.
Cēsis is fantastic. Lot's of sporty types out there.
Valmeira is know for tech firms as well, and it's close to CÄ“sis.
Yeah... I just need to know how to get in touch with them. I've got a couple of websites, but from here it wouldn't be that easy.
Thanks mate! It's very nice hearing some kind people, very willing to help you.
I will ask you some more questions in the future for sure!
Meanwhile, if you know of some companies or any good source of work, please give a shout!
I have to say that I seriously doubt that you'll find a job that is competitive with Frankfurt.
If you are qualified though, then you can easily land in one of the larger firms. You really should contact some of the larger firms to see who bites. I am not sure what field you are in or I'd make a suggestion (I'm sure that your wife can.)
If you are worried about lowering your salary, I would say expect it. If you are worried about losing the momentum in your career, or losing interesting things to do - it's not definite.
[edit: format]
Lowering my salary would be even fine... I don't want to lower my "lifestyle" and not have the money enough to save something and leave without problems... this is my main worry!
With regards to contacting firms: I simply directly contacted HR deparments through their public contact information.
There are not a lot of IT recruitiers here (that I'm aware of.)
What IT field are you in?
I've been working for more than 4 years for Hewlett-Packard, in the Software Business Unit, as a Software Consultant. My CV is not even that bad, as I have experience in 3 different countries and this could count. That is my hope, at least...
W.R.T Lifestyle:
Lower salary means only less high-price tech-toys. the rest of my quality of life is as high or higher.
For me, because I spend so much less, I am still easily able to save money. My rent is impossibly cheap, and my transit and food costs are a joke compared to Germany. Even casual drinking is cheap.
I would say that income tax is probably comparable to Germany (likely a bit lower.)
Ah - in your field there should be opportunities. Most of the big firms in your business have representative here.
I met someone who worked at an HP office here, but in a more administrative capacity.
Look up the big names and reach out to their HR offices. maybe even ask the HP HR.
Your professional and cultural experience are definitely an advantage, especially as your English is strong.
the fact that you worked for in a German office says a lot about your work ethic, which is in need here.
I have to run, but I can reply more tomorrow.
I wasn't aware of an HP office in Latvia... I do know how to move within the company as I did it 2 years ago from Italy to Germany... If HP is also in Latvia, that will be the first thing to try!!!
I actually just checked and there are no HP offices in Latvia... there are in Lithuania, but unfortunately not in Latvia...
Ooops. Sorry. Maybe it was one of the other big guysÂ
Good luck thought.
Sono Francese, delle Alpi, vicinissimo all'Italia dove andavo sempre a fare la spese. La vita mi ha fatto andare in Latvia dove ho spento un anno. All'inizio, era duro, ma dopo qualche mesi ho fatto interessantissime incontre, e adesso sonio di andare di nuovo per stare in Latvia. Ti devo dire che sarà molto difficile di gadagnare denari li come in Germania - ma la qualità della vita sara di sicuro molto migliore. Spero che una volta ci troveremo insieme a mangiare la pasta... Sono pronto a chichierrare con te se sei interessato, dammi un indirrizo email se vuoi.
Buona vita alla tua famiglia,
@Patrick, could you please post in English in this Anglophone forum?
Any resolutions?
Hi mate,
For now we are just staying here. My question was just to catch some impressions from the "field"!
If we ever decide to move there, this will anyway take some time. We don't need to rush at all!
Thanks anyway for all your advises!
It's definitely understandable to take time and effort on such a serious decision.
Hi Jaxxed,
Your topic with Fred is very interesting. I'm wondering if you could give me some input or comments with regards to my problem.
I have planning to relocate to Riga (move within company) but my concern is about school for my kid. Does the general primary school in Latvia do accept foreign student, and how much is the school fees? My kid is 7 years old and she only knows English language.
I've checked that Latvian primary school use Latvian language. There is an option which is International school but I think I can't effort the school fees. Do you have any comments or advice? I need to decide very soon whether want to relocate or not. I know Latvia is very interesting country to visit and to stay. I hope someone can help me to make the decision.
Thank you.
You're right, "international school" which means in fact american school is expensive, and there your kid would only be in company of foreigners or rich Latvians. There are in Riga latvian schools of course, russian schools and even a french school ( a private one, may be expensive of you). My mind is you to have to try to know what are your plans for the years to come. I would say a stay in Riga to be a fantastic occasion to discover russian language and of course latvian culture which is just incredible. English language is all over the world, and there are so many opportunities to learn it, if I had to choose I would try to go to russian school. Please feel free to ask me for more informations if I can help you more...
Enjoy Latvia anyway,
Hi Patrck,
Thanks for your reply. Hmm... I guess kids can pick up language very quickly and I wish my kid will do. But do you know any russian school which will accept foreign student and how much roughly is the school fees?
I would have to agree with Patrick.
I know a Turkish guy who just opened a school outside of Rīga, with an emphasis on multiple language, but I don't think that I could afford to send my kids there. If I have kids here, they'll go to a local public school.
I know a Latvian who moved back from USA with a 5 year old boy, who is now doing well in a Latvian language school (previously he only spoke English.)Â I would agree that kids can learn a new language easily, especially social kids.
If you are worried that the first year would be hard, then consider home-schooling for a year, before the public option.
Here is something that might help your search:
pirmsskola angliski
vidusskola angliski
These would roughly translate to primary school and secondary/middle school in Latvian. Angliski is the adverb related to 'English'.
Googling with these phrases might take you to some sites that offer services (hopefully they'll have some english versions of their sites.)
Thank you J,
Yes I also has thought about having a tuition first before the public school. But Latvia's public school has no problem accepting non-citizen student is it?
Anyway, next week my company will decide whether I will move to Riga or not. Can someone calculate an estimate living cost at Riga a month? I have 2 kids age 6 & 7. My wife not working.
Thanks a lot.
Hello Fred...I am also in the same situation that you are...thinking about living in Riga..? My wife is from there, and has a house in Ocre (outside of Riga) we live in the USA but she misses Riga terribly...!! I try to make her happy, but not to the point that it harms anything. You being only 29 is a good thing...I am several years older...and can take early retirement, but you have alot going for have a "tie" being that your future wife is Ltvian, you know about Europe, and the high costs associated with living there...I think you will do very well. Good luck.
Thanks usaeuro69!
We are still trying to figure out what to do... we are thinking about going there, but without rushing it! Just if the conditions will allow it...
Have a nice days,
It's very interesting to hear about your situation.
I have something similar - I realise you posted originally a while ago, so I'm interested to hear if you have made any progress.
I'm a 29 year old Scotsman, with a Latvian girlfriend (from Riga).
I'm keen to relocate, and I'm going for my first visit to Riga this weekend. Very excited!
I'm trying to work out if it's going to be possible for me to live and work over there comfortably - and I understand a lower salary will be the case, but if I have an equivalent standard of living then I would be fine with it. For me the most important thing is to have a good relationship!
I'm a senior web designer right now but I'm considering going freelance.
Anyway - interested to hear more from you and from anyone else with advice.
Hi grafyte,
Well... no big progress actually!
We are quite busy with planning our wedding that will be in 2 months!
We are also not in hurry, as we have both a job here in Frankfurt.
If you have never been in Latvia, I must suggest you to go there and stay there for a little while. Only so can you understand more about it, although your girlfriend will be able to give you more and better explanations.
A quick advice I can give you is what I am currently doing: I sometimes, just without stress really, apply to jobs in Latvia and wait for responses. I've already got some interviews and actually have one the next week in Riga (after 2 over the phone). I just do it without commitment. I want to see what I could get and how far I could push with my salary expectations. If you push high, some will jump on their chair, but you might get the right one, so... why not trying it out?
Of course I feel I can do this, because we have no short time plans, no hurry. Yes, we plan to move there, but ideally just in one year from now, maybe later... We'll see with this company! If they really like you, they might be willing to wait for you, even one year.
I'm also registered to so that I receive notifications about new job offerings matching my criteria. There aren't many, as you might guess. You need to be patient! Latvia is a small country!
If you have any other ideas, please share them with us!
I'm a Canadian, living in RÄ«ga, marrying this August, and also a Web Developer (about 10 years experience.)
If you'd like, I can meet up with you this weekend and talk about my experience here, and about the job market.
Articles to help you in your expat project in Latvia
- Riga - the most beautiful town in Baltic states
Riga - capital of Latvia - the most beautiful city in Baltic states. Riga has unique history and architecture ...