
Im a new expat live in Jakarta/Tangerang


Hello My name is Sam and Im a new expat here in Jakarta. I already issued my Kitas since 3 days ago. and i live in Tangerang right now. Im really suffering from the traffic and from the hot climate in Jakarta. but i live the indonesia culture and i also like to eat nasi goreng :D . Im now searching a job opportunities for the Egyptian expat live in Jakarta but i think its too hard to find out a job here in Jakarta. i have an experience work in four season Alexandria Egypt. and i also have experience in SEO and very good in the internet and computer maintenance. I dont mind if i meet any one in cafe and we talking about business or talking about suggesting a good job opportunity for me really i will be so happy :) Thank you and have a nice days for everyone

See also

Job offers in Jakarta Working in JakartaDeveloping your professional network in JakartaJakarta's labour marketThe work culture in Jakarta

اهلين يا حبيبي يا ساميح

انا مرزوقي, لو تريد اى شيئ خدمة, من فضلك إتصلبي
اشآ الله سوف مساعدك انا مقيم \ امنزلي في تانغيرانج




نعم انا ارسلت لك رسالة علي الخاص


How did you get a KITAS in just a few days and what type of KITAS is it?


My spouse is indonesia and we get married since more than 3 years ago in indonesia after that we get back to Egypt and when we back here in Jakarta with a Vitas Indonesia after that we make my kitas in 7 days. that's it


Tangerang immigration strike again. They're really good up there.


ya as i also have a friend there that he helped me to issue that kitas. well i want ask you did you know any job opportunity for the expat here in tangerang or even in a whole jakarta ?


Hello and welcome to Jakarta :-)
I hope you'll find a new job soon. Doing some research online would probably help!

Have a good day :-)


I already sent my CV for more than 100 Company but there is no one contact me .. SO bad. Well thanks for your reply :)


so..what is your job now sir...iam looking for a job too now, especially near tangerang and Jakarta..hope i can join you to work together..., iam oandieo from pangkalpinang


I hope so :) so whats also your job now ?