We have been here since November. Actual school doesn't start until the children are 6. Our daughter is in pre-primary school. Grade 000. So similar to nursery. You don't really want to send your child to anything below a model c school. You have model c and then private. Personally for us we cannot afford private so we will be sending our daughter to Model C when she is old enough. The education in a model C is good and the schools generally have much better facilities then schools in the U.K. We have looked at a few but haven't put her name down yet as I am still looking into it all before I make my mind up. We are looking at a school called Chelsea which is based in Durban North. Most english ex pats seem to send their children to either Umhlanga collage or Crawford. Both of which I think are private or semi private. The rates for Umhlanga collage is about R4400. per month. So is nice if you can afford it as you will meet other ex pats.
We stay in Umhlanga Village at the moment. It is a nice starting point to rent as it still enables you to walk around to the local shops and beach etc. It is a short drive to Durban. As I don't enjoy driving it was our choice. A lot of ex pats who have been relocated through work (unileaver and shell) tend to rent in mount edgecombe estate as their companies help with the rent etc. It is a lovely estate and very secure but very pricey.Â
I feel quite safe here. There are places that are not safe but having a family you are not going to be visiting those types of places. The general rule is safety in numbers so if you are in a place and there are lots of people around, then you are fine. If you go to a park/beach or area and it is deserted, You probably shouldn't be there until you know the area more. You do need to get used to being more street wise. Don't leave things on show in the car. When you are in the car, keep doors locked etc. That is not to say that you will get car jacked! But you don't want to have someone snatch and grab etc. You also need to get used to having trilly doors and burglar bars etc on your house/appartment if you are not in an estate. The problem here is that there are still lots of poor people who are desperate. So if they see a phone or laptop lying around, they will try to get it, so again you don't take the risk.
There are so many benefits being here. Your children will have a wonderful childhood, being able to play outside, there are wonderful beaches and pools around and is all for free. There is a strong family vibe here. People have a lot of time for children etc. The general stanrdard of living is greater than the U.K.Our daughter loves it here and doesn't want to go back to the U.K.
I have my good days and bad days where I miss home, but they are getting fewer now. I have met quite a few ex pats through a whatsapp group and am beginning to get much more settled. It is a big move but I would encourage you to give it a try. I think we are going to be happy here.
If you want any more advice let me know. Good luck.