

The other side of the Reunionese postcard

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As a tourist in a foreign country, very often, we are enchanted with what we discover.

Living abroad is different. It's a rich experience but there are also some difficulties to face.

When people ask me for advice on living abroad, I then tend to say that one should also look at both sides of the postcard.

As an expat in the Reunion Island, how would you describe the two sides of your Reunionese postcard?

Thank you for sharing your experience,



I find this a very "daring" idea knowing how French people love to judge and give negative arguments . I hope you don't crop too many bad sides of the post card.
As far as I'm concerned, one bad side is how beautiful natural sites get polluted by crap, and the one I have in mind is l'Etang St Paul where rubbish have been accumulated for over 4 weeks now ( and you know what the temperature is like here!) just outside the place where you park to get to the forest. That's a regular stumbling block.  I know there is a " war" between ONF and the Town Hall over the responsability to collect the rubbish in this particular area where Tamoul ceremonies take place very often ( and I must mention here that I have absolutely nothing against Tamoul or Tamoul ceremonies whatsoever and feel rather attracted by them as long as they don't involve sacrifice of live animals).
From what the ONF people told me, Tamoul people have special access to the beach with their vehicules ( that is the ONF gives them a key to the barrier at the end of the parking) as long as the Town Hall takes exceptionnally in charge the collect of the rubbish it generates and that is normally collected by the ONF in this part of the forest. Well, it ends up in a regular and somewhat dangerous accumulation of bags of rubbish right in the middle of the forest. Whether the Town Hall is not well informed about it (that I doubt , because I called them myself a few times to signal it) or that the ONF volontarily ignores the problem, the result is the vast majority of the inhabitants ( CBO territorai has a large real estate in this area) and the people coming for leisure or sport are very disappointed by the deplorable hygienic state of the spot. If you add the people coming especially to abandon there the animals they don't want anymore, you end up with a very sad sight indeed on stray dogs on rubbish bags.....
My intention here is to be read by the Town Hall people who are so happy to make tourism a priority. All I say is that I myself don't advise any tourist to come to this particular place.

