

Chances Of Finding Employment . Better to in Nairobi?


I am a uk English male wishing to find more information on the chances of gaining employment in Kenya .
Just want some advice on the possibility of finding a job as my girlfriend lives in Nairobi.   I would love to live in Kenya with her.
Kenyans must always come first in any job available,  I completely appreciate and respect that, but I would be happy to consider any reasonable, liveable wage.
I have no degree, just college education, instead 15-20 years experience as manager on an advanced trout/fish farm in Devon, England.   I'm well spoken educated and computer literate with broad practical skills . 
I would appreciate any suggestions on the feasibility of gaining a job offer.  I would also consider a completely different career path.
Is it more likely to gain employment somewhere, if I try whilst I'm in Kenya visiting, rather than trying to search online from here in uk?
Any suggestions or advise much needed
Thanks Ali   :)

See also

Job offers in NairobiWork in NairobiSetting up a business in KenyaWorking in KenyaWork Permit In Kenya

Hi, I fully understand your predicament, as mine is similar.  Finding a job in Kenya, for a foreigner is very challenging indeed.  For ANY type of work, including voluntary and self employment, a work permit is required.

In a country with very high unemployment, the government appears to have increasingly made moves to exclude foreigners from obtaining work permits for more modestly paid jobs, which locals can easily do.  So a job with a 'reasonable, liveable wage' is probably not practical.  You also have to bear in mind that many prospective employers ask for an education up to degree, or masters level - there are many Kenyans educated to this level wh are out of work.

It is your employer who applies for the work permit on your behalf and it is for them to evidence that you have skills which cannot be filled locally.  Work permits are costly and renewable every two years. 

Occasionally, jobs come up at the UK and Ausralia High Commission, for which being a UK citizen is a requirement, but competition for these is hot. 

I understand that many expats obtain jobs either with NGO's, or companies with branches in Kenya, while still in their own countries, then go to Kenya once the work permit has been granted.

Another option is to register your own company with a Kenyan partner.  Obtaining a visa for this is possible, but you also need a lot of capital - used to be $100,000, but I know this has increased.

You can also obtain a visa to reside in Kenya if you can evidence that you have sufficient income from other sources, apart from employment, to support yourself.

I hope that I have been helpful.


I think the best option would be to enter into business world- Employment here is hard to get.
Get contacts from your former jobs and start exporting fish etc- I will assist you in getting papers to start operating.


Annakagenya;  If you start a business, you still need a work permit to actually operate it.  Registering a company is not difficult - I have a registered company with my wife.  The point I was trying to make was that without the relevant work permit, it is not legally possible to work and you become wholly a 'sleeping partner'.  To get the work permit, you need to have CAPITAL, either in investments or cash.

Of course, there are 'other ways' of obtaining papers in Kenya and I have had plenty of offers of assistance to obtain papers and jobs over the years, but when the chips are down, nobody has been able to actually deliver, despite my Wife being quite well connected.


Job might be harder than searching for a work permit if capital is available.
How do you become a sleeping partner when you form a company with your wife.
Work permits are available if money is available.


Thanks for all the advise , its kinda what was expected . The 100 000 +$ investment definitely not possible.  The only other option is both living in an entirely different country, gf an I , other than Uk or Kenya.  Maybe Uae or similar?


It might sound hard especially if you are not in the country but sometimes one's luck may not be anothers.Personally i would say go to the ground and test the waters.Just move in there for like three months without necessarily having resigned from your current base and see if you can find something.With this approach you can easily make connections with firms and people.Secondly, and that is if first doesnt work would be to may be bring your gf to the Uk?Is it an option to bring her to the UK or are you unable to show evidence of being able to support her.There are stories that it can be difficult to bring in a spouse or GF /BF if one isnt  financially stable.I am not saying anything as i do not know your personal circumstances.I think going to another country other than Kenya or Uk (where one of you hails from) will complicate the chances of securing a visa.It would be harder as there is no attachement with the country in question.I wish you success but last point is not to use persons who may promise to get you a visa/permit in Kenya on the account of paying them money.A


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