

Should I trust this company?

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first, sorry about maybe an off-topic question. I didn´t know where else to ask.

I wanted to know if any of you know this company called Rushington Properties Limited and if I could trust a company like that. A woman living in the UK wants to rent me an apartment in the Czech Republic and she asked me to send two rents to this company and they will send me a key to see her flat that I would like to rent in Prague.

Since this is a new concept to me, I am looking for references about this company (cannot find any, they are small but seem credible when it comes to documentation etc.). Their website is rushington-ltd.com/howitworks.html

Would you trust a company like that?

Thank you very much for your time. I am really sorry in advance if this is an off-topic question.


I have the same problem,  one women Bethany Dixon wants rent his own  flat in Brno because she works long time in Liverpool,    not trusty  and I didn't sent any money here. My email is aaakkk@pobox.sk.

> Od: Bethany Dixon <bethanydixon58@gmail.com>
> Komu:
> Dátum: 26.11.2014 00:59
> Predmet: Re: Nově zrekonstruované studio
Hi there,

    Thank you for your prompt response and for your kind email. If you are still interested I agree to rent it to you. I promise you that you will love the place. You seem to be a nice person and I can assure you we will not have any problems.
    Obviously you will have to see the apartment before discussing further details because you cannot rent an apartment that you haven't seen. I am willing to send you the keys so you can visit it and see it suits your needs.
    The delivery for the keys (apartment keys, interphone, alarm) and viewing permit (signed by me), will be made through an authorized courier and using a Rushington Properties Limited Escrow Account to make sure that we can trust each other.
    Using Rushington Properties Limited escrow account involves three parties: me as owner, you as a potential tenant and Rushington Properties Limited as a responsible third party authorized to proper conduct of the transaction. Please click on the link to the Rushington Properties Limited website where you can find the procedure explained : rushington-ltd.com/howitworks.html

    Here is the procedure explained :

    The Escrow Account Rushington Properties Limited works the same way as the escrow account on which you place the deposit when you rent an apartment, except that instead of a bank, we use Rushington Properties Limited. Of course, nobody can touch that money until you have not returned the keys.
    The escrow deposit, the first month rent + rental guarantee (7500 + 7500 = 15.000 CZK), must be filed by bank transfer to activate the escrow account.
    The delivery will be by a licensed company such as DHL, Federal Express or UPS and it will be sent by Rushington Properties Limited at your home.
    To initiate the process, I need the following information about you:
-Shipping Address (address where you want the package to be delivered) and name of recipient;
-Delivery Schedule (local time you'll be at home to receive the package and sign the receipt);
-Phone number;
     You don't need to open an account with Rushington Properties Limited because this transaction is a rental and the Landlord must open the transaction, just send me your personal details and i will open a case with them immediately.
    Then Rushington Properties Limited sends you the keys and the contract already filled with your details; You will have 14 days to inspect apartment since the arrival date; If you want to keep the apartment, they give me the money, and we go on from there; If you do not keep the apartment, you send the keys/contract back to Rushington Properties Limited and you get your money back.
    This will be in writing in the Rushington Properties Limited contract I will sign.
    The Rushington Properties Limited fees will be paid by me when I will initiate the procedure, you will have to pay for the money transfer fees when you pay the deposit.
    If you agree to move forward I can send you a copy of the rental contract in blank.
    I'll wait your quick reply and if you agree, I will need your full name, shipping address and your  phone number (mobile if possible) so I can initiate the Rushington Properties Limited rental transaction.
Thanks again for your time and look forward to hear from you soon.


Dobrý den,

V prvé řadě je třeba vědět, e mohu pouít translate.google.com napsat tento e-mail, a to bude pro mě snazšÃ­, pokud budeme pokračovat v tétokonverzaci v angličtině.
Jmenuji se Bethany Dixon, a právě jsem dostal e-mail, pokud jde o váš zájem o můj byt ve Antonínská 555/8, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic.
Hledám někoho, kdo ije ve svém bytě, protoe moje firma vyhrála aukci velký stavební projekt v Liverpoolu, Velká Británie. Jsem projektový manaer ve stavebnictví, take moje období zde ubytování bude velmi velké (více ne 4 roky). Koupil jsem si tento byt, kdy jsem pracoval vBrno jako součást smlouvy o 4 roky, myslet si, e by bylo lepšÃ­ investicí ne při pronájmu. Jsem jediný majitel, byt je plně splacen, a neexistuje ádný právní problém.Byt je neobydlený, protoe já u tam ij e.
Chci si pronajmout svůj byt na nějaké pěkné a odpovědných osob, a proto bych chtěl vědět dalšÃ­ podrobnosti o sobě: Kolik je vám let, pokudjste enatý, pokud máte domácího mazlíčka, pokud máte auto, zaměstnání atd .. musím říci, e nemám nic proti tomu, e jste student a mám rád zvířata, a oni jsou vítáni v bytě. Měli byste také vědět, e oceňuji upřímnost.
Kromě odpočinku, zde je pár informací o sobě a o bytě, take jsme věděli, e o něco více.
Byt je přesně jako na fotkách, plně zařízený, plně vybavený, take nebudete muset nic pohybovat (můete také přinést si vlastní věci, nábytek, pokud máte).
Nájemné je 7500 Kč včetně energií (voda, elektřina, internet, kabel, jedno parkovací místo). Můete si pronajmout byt na dobu neurčitou, aleminimálně po dobu tří měsíců.
O sobě, já jsem 56 let, svobodná ena, a jak je uvedeno výše jsem projektový manaer ve stavebnictví, v současné době ijící v Liverpoolu, Velká Británie. Můete se přestěhovat do bytu ve stejný den obdríte klíče. Jsem v Liverpoolu, ale u jsem ale v řešení, take můete získatklíče a navštivte byt udělat dojem.
Oceňuji váš zájem v mém bytě, a těšÃ­m se na naši budoucí spolupráci a přátelství.

S pozdravem,
Bethany Dixon

2014-11-25 2:35 GMT-05:00
Dear Bethany,


Thanks a lot for a response. My e-mail that she replied (except price the same, just a different name). Strange - the company that they refer to sound okay, you can find them on the internet, they are registered on several company registraries websites and they list 4 people who are supposed to work there. How could it be that they are able to run the company if it would be a scam?

I won´t go for it and I am disappointed because this was the first fair price for a place that I found, haha :). Everything too good to be true is never true, proved again.

Hi there,

    Thank you for your prompt response and for your kind email. If you are still interested I agree to rent it to you. I promise you that you will love the place. You seem to be a nice person and I can assure you we will not have any problems.
    Obviously you will have to see the apartment before discussing further details because you cannot rent an apartment that you haven't seen. I am willing to send you the keys so you can visit it and see it suits your needs.
    The delivery for the keys (apartment keys, interphone, alarm) and viewing permit (signed by me), will be made through an authorized courier and using a Rushington Properties Limited Escrow Account to make sure that we can trust each other.
    Using Rushington Properties Limited escrow account involves three parties: me as owner, you as a potential tenant and Rushington Properties Limited as a responsible third party authorized to proper conduct of the transaction. Please click on the link to the Rushington Properties Limited website where you can find the procedure explained : rushington-ltd.com/howitworks.html

    Here is the procedure explained :

    The Escrow Account Rushington Properties Limited works the same way as the escrow account on which you place the deposit when you rent an apartment, except that instead of a bank, we use Rushington Properties Limited. Of course, nobody can touch that money until you have not returned the keys.
    The escrow deposit, the first month rent + rental guarantee (8400 + 8400 = 16.800 CZK), must be filed by bank transfer to activate the escrow account.
    The delivery will be by a licensed company such as DHL, Federal Express or UPS and it will be sent by Rushington Properties Limited at your home.
    To initiate the process, I need the following information about you:
-Shipping Address (address where you want the package to be delivered) and name of recipient;
-Delivery Schedule (local time you'll be at home to receive the package and sign the receipt);
-Phone number;
     You don't need to open an account with Rushington Properties Limited because this transaction is a rental and the Landlord must open the transaction, just send me your personal details and i will open a case with them immediately.
    Then Rushington Properties Limited sends you the keys and the contract already filled with your details; You will have 14 days to inspect apartment since the arrival date; If you want to keep the apartment, they give me the money, and we go on from there; If you do not keep the apartment, you send the keys/contract back to Rushington Properties Limited and you get your money back.
    This will be in writing in the Rushington Properties Limited contract I will sign.
    The Rushington Properties Limited fees will be paid by me when I will initiate the procedure, you will have to pay for the money transfer fees when you pay the deposit.
    If you agree to move forward I can send you a copy of the rental contract in blank.
    I'll wait your quick reply and if you agree, I will need your full name, shipping address and your  phone number (mobile if possible) so I can initiate the Rushington Properties Limited rental transaction.
Thanks again for your time and look forward to hear from you soon.



Dear Solun,

It is so obviously a scam!! Would you really give someone your address and then tell them when you will be out?? They will of course check to ask your exact location because you have also kindly given them your phone number too. And just for your reference.......we do not use the letter 'Z' in authorise.....we British use a letter 'S'.
You are right to be cautious - stay alert and ignore any and all correspondence you may receive from this 'company'.
Good luck,



Yes it sounds very suspicious. The most suspicious thing about it is that the price is really low. You usually get 1 room for that, not a nice flat.

I was just surprised because the company they are referring to seems legit.

Thanks for the help.


Solun wrote:

Yes it sounds very suspicious. The most suspicious thing about it is that the price is really low. You usually get 1 room for that, not a nice flat.

I was just surprised because the company they are referring to seems legit.

Thanks for the help.

I have to admit - the website looks expensive. Maybe go onto the Trip Advisor website and type the company name in........you may get some genuine feedback from someone who has had some experience? Just an idea.




A long term, family run business, with no debt and no obvious problems.


Yes, the company seems legit. But how would you explain me and someone else received completely the same e-mail - from two different people? The e-mail has the same obviously made-up story. I have asked the person who e-mailed me and will post their reply if they send one.


+ I have also e-mailed the company and they still didn´t answer (48 hours)


Maybe check out the Trip Advisor website? There maybe a reference on there?

I have to admit that the company looks professional.



I checked and cannot find anything. Only google finds a couple of results and those are all some kind of databases of companies in the UK, not references. It is probably a small company. Maybe the person wanted to use this company´s name but they would send us a wrong bank account number so it would be them who receives the money...


Obviously it is a scam:


Glad you found that out before you got scammed. I've noted it for my own benefit. Thanks for the warning!


Solun wrote:

Obviously it is a scam:

That shows a scam, but not from Rushington Properties.
You can't accuse someone with evidence.
This business has not moved location, a large private house in a quiet street, for many years; not the behaviour of a dishonest company.
The directors have no links to criminal activity that is noted in any UK court.
That isn't to say it is legitimate, just there is no evidence to say it isn't, so we can't accuse them of anything.

If you want to potentially libel a company, you must provide evidence they are what you say they are.
Perhaps you can do so.


Regardless of where a company that administers rental properties may be located, a legitimate company will have some local arrangements for showing apartments, homes, offices to prospective tenants. There should be absolutely no need to pay any deposit or rent advance just to see the property, since you have not even agreed to rent it in the first place. You can safely assume any e-mail that asks for some kind of advanced payment is just a scam.

The fact that the company seems to be legitimate or not, in itself, does not necessarily mean that this is not a scam. What stands out most of all and indicates that it is a scam is the two IDENTICAL e-mails with two different names. Also, what is the e-mail address from which it was sent? If it was a hotmail/outlook, yahoo, gmail account or one from any other free e-mail provider then you can guarantee it is a scam. No self respecting company uses free e-mail providers, they will have a website and domain name, their e-mails will all have the same domain name. For example XYZ Corporation should have a website something like xyzcorp.com and their e-mails should all be something like j.schneider@xyzcorp.com.

This is clearly a scam, don't fall for it.

James            Expat-blog Experts Team


I might suggest their company name is being used by scammers, but the company is legit.
Wouldn't be the first time.
The company uses it's own email address, not a free account.

Perhaps we'll find out, I've invited them to join the forum.


Yes, looks like they are using this (probably legit) company to hide their true intentions. Thanks everyone who responded. I also e-mailed that company just so they know about it.

Thanks and have a nice day.


I have been scammed similarly before so i advise you do not send any mon3y!!!!

Always check house personally.


Solun wrote:

Their website is rushington-ltd.com/howitworks.html

Would you trust a company like that?

Thank you very much for your time. I am really sorry in advance if this is an off-topic question.

I believe you should not trust them.

Here is a response to my membership enquiry of ARLA (The Association of Residential Letting Agents), after directing their attention to the website you mentioned:

Thank you for your email.  I can confirm there are no members of ARLA registered with the company Rushington Properties Limited, therefore this firm is not entitled to advertise ARLA membership.  I am passing your email onto the Regulation Department for their attention.

Kind Regards

Claire Adey

Membership Coordinator

You can do the same and confirm for yourself that they are not legitimate.


Website rushington-ltd.com is a scam.

1) The domain has been purchased less than two weeks ago, on 17th of November this year:

2) The website is blocked from Google, so that Google cannot look and cannot make website content searchable:

This is because the same text on the website was almost certainly previously published on a different domain whose name was attached to a different company. If it was not blocked by Google, then googling part of the text under quotes would show all other domains scammers used in the past. This is why they block it from Google

They also block it from Google so that the real owners/customers of Rusington Properties would not notice the website exist.

Someone above said scammers attach themselves to an existing company and I think the same. The very moment the search for Rushington Properties highlight this thread in Google Search, the website will be abandoned and a new domain purchased that will pretend to be some other respectable company (probably to some other small established company that exist for a number of years in a hope this will lend the website the confidence).


Don't trust. I just got the exact same email from a "Daniela Nagel" for an apartment in Zurich.. exact same text.


seems not professional. Maybe check out the Trip Advisor website? There maybe a reference on there?


This is probably a scam =(:(


100% its a spam i bet u


They are a scam. What kind of business has a premium line telephone number for enquiries.
Look at their accounts too. Is is a scam.

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