

Need your opinion on a new service: an help for Chinese Expat in Franc

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Violette GERARD

Good morning,
My name is Violette GERARD and I am currently in an internship in the company Management Mobility Consulting.  In this internship, I am doing a study market in the goal to know better the Chinese immigration in France since if there were a need my company would maybe set up a service to help Chinese expatriates at their arrival in France. I would like to have your opinion on this subject since you are maybe our future customer: a Chinese person who would like to come in France. Consequently, I send you a quick questionnaire to have your opinion. It is very short and totally confidential. If you have some time please answer it and send it back to me. I would be very grateful and that could help me a lot in my internship.

I- Global vision of the subject:
-What do you think of the situation of Chinese immigration in France currently (growth, decrease, ... )?
-Why do you think the situation is like this currently?
II- Affinities with the subject of relocation / Chinese expatriate in France:
- Do you know people of Chinese nationality who have expatriated in France? (Age, sex, married or not)
- If yes, why have they  come to France?
-If yes, have they come to France with their families?
- If yes, how long have they remained in France in total?

III- Vision of competition in this market:
- Do you know any organizations (associations as businesses) to help Chinese persons in this expatriation?
- How do these organizations work? Do you know people in your community who have called them? And if so, for what kind of service did they call them?
- Do you see a need in the market which is not yet fulfilled?

Thank you very much.Have a good day.



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En vous remerciant.

Bonne journée.

Violette GERARD

Oh pardonnez-moi, c'est redirigé.
Merci beaucoup.


Bonjour Violette,

Merci d'avoir créé une autre discussion en Anglais sur le Forum Anglophone :)

Nous allons fermer celle la :)



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