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klsallee wrote:fluffy2560 wrote:Ah well, now if you can get a 4G signal, you must be within signal reach of a tower.
Almost all of Hungary has 4G coverage these days:
Does not mean there are other goodies on those towers as well pointed in my direction.
I was reading up about the new Samsung phone that can take 5G when it comes, already works in the USA. You can download a 2 hour movie in 15 seconds.
klsallee wrote:Follow up, FYI:
I was arrived in Hungary about 3 years after CEU was founded.Ìý Soros was a (very welcome) funder of liberal democracies and the institutions therein back then.Ìý He set up the same model elsewhere in other countries in transition.Ìý CEU has a good reputation so maybe OV has bitten off more than he can chew with this one.Ìý I expect many protests on the streets.Ìý Maybe this could lead to Fidesz's downfall as a step too far.Ìý One can only hope the President doesn't sign it.
fluffy2560 wrote:Maybe this could lead to Fidesz's downfall as a step too far.
I doubt it. Similar actions have proved very effective in keeping autocrats in power elsewhere.
klsallee wrote:fluffy2560 wrote:Maybe this could lead to Fidesz's downfall as a step too far.
I doubt it. Similar actions have proved very effective in keeping autocrats in power elsewhere.
You may well be right.
The petition in the previous link about 45,000 signatures early this morning.Ìý That's substantial.Ìý
If the EU had any cojones, it's sanction OV and Hungary.
fluffy2560 wrote:If the EU had any cojones, it's sanction OV and Hungary.
Fat chance.
The availability of spherical appendages is of no concern as the EU is desperate to get Hungry to take migrants as there are simply too many for the other countries to absorb without social upheaval becoming a serious problem.
They won't press Hungry on any trivial matters like closing educational establishments for political reasons when there are bigger fish to fry.
The various countries support their favourite dictator/wannabe dictator/crackpot extremist group but moan like crazy when people try to get out of a war that would have ended years ago if they hadn't butted in. The situation wasn't great before the war but it's a lot worse now.
Sometimes I wonder if the arms dealers decide who goes to war, but I know it's politicians and I'm sure none of them get paid by arms dealers to start wars.
Those who have followed my Telekom saga will be interested to know that Mrs Fluffy managed to corner a sensible Telekom person who DOES know where the cables are in the street.Ìý That's the good news.
And now the bad news.Ìý The maximum speed in the street is 20 Mbps for Internet (we currently have 50 Mbps and IPTV) and it takes them 2 weeks to sort it out.Ìý
At least the bad news is not as bad as it was a month ago.
Further on CEU, I received this warning through my work alert system:
"Hungary: Avoid protest march on 9 April against potential closure of university
Level:Ìý Ìý NoticeÌý Ìý
Location: Ìý Ìý Budapest - Hungary; Ìý Ìý
Category: Ìý Ìý ProtestÌý Ìý
Last Updated: 07 Apr 2017 15:07 (GMT)
Those in the capital Budapest on 9 April should avoid the vicinity of a protest march against controversial government legislation that could force the closure of the Central European University (CEU). The march at 16.30 (local time) is scheduled to commence at Clark Adam Square and proceed to Kossuth Lajos Square, via the Chain Bridge."
Mrs Fluffy and I have been discussing if we are sufficiently enraged to consider joining this protest.Ìý It's a risk for me, I'm not Hungarian, but Mrs Fluffy and the Fluffyettes are.Ìý If the police are watching, and this is the "new Hungary", I could be taped, found and deported.Ìý
Or should that be taped, found, bound and gagged and deported?
Probably won't notice you. Many students and potential protestors are from overseas. They do check men's ID more tho so wear a frock.
anns wrote:Probably won't notice you. Many students and potential protestors are from overseas. They do check men's ID more tho so wear a frock.
Hmmm...shave my legs but at the moment, bit cold for bare legs.
I think the only thing that would do me justice is a Mu Mu.
fluffy2560 wrote:I think the only thing that would do me justice is a Mu Mu.
You look lovely.
In that disguise, nobody, I repeat -- nobody, would suspect you are actually Homer Simpson.Ìý
klsallee wrote:fluffy2560 wrote:I think the only thing that would do me justice is a Mu Mu.
[img align=C]https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/nonciclopedia/images/d/d7/Homer_ciccione.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110126214109[/url]
You look lovely.
In that disguise, nobody, I repeat -- nobody, would suspect you are actually Homer Simpson.Ìý
Damn, my secret identity blown.Ìý
I'll probably try disguising myself as a Trabant or possibly an electrical substation.
I believe Aldi are selling a cheap Tardis this week so I do have alternatives.
Further to the CEU thing, this arrived via my employers warning system:
Hungary: Budapest: Plan routes avoiding demonstrations over potential closure of university
Level:Ìý Ìý NoticeÌý Ìý
Location: Ìý Ìý Budapest - Hungary; Ìý Ìý
Category: Ìý Ìý ProtestÌý Ìý
Last Updated: 10 Apr 2017 16:39 (GMT)
.....in the capital Budapest should avoid the vicinity of protests in the coming days over controversial government legislation that would force the closure of the city’s Central European University (CEU).
Marches, both in support of and in opposition to the institution’s closure, were held on 9 April in central Budapest and attracted an estimated 80,000 participants altogether.
Protests are likely to continue on the evening of 10 April.
An additional demonstration against the university’s closure is also scheduled for between 17.30 and 18.30 (local time) on 12 April at Hero’s Square.....
From : /forum/viewtopic.p … 62#3640732
fluffy2560 wrote:I brought some tomato seeds several times from the UK and they grow really badly here.Ìý I tried them in the ground and in pots. Absolutely awful.Ìý Yet the MIL's toms do really well.
That is to be expected. Vegetable seeds sold in each climatic region are sometimes those that will grow best in that region. Seeds from the UK then would not be expected to grow as well in Hungary than seeds you simply buy in Hungary.
fluffy2560 wrote:I also would like some decent apple trees but I think the climate is against them surviving - too hot and then too cold.Ìý That said, I wouldn't mind some Braeburn or just plain old Granny Smiths.
Apple trees grow in many parts of Hungary. We have several apple trees here when we bought our property, and I planted several more since.
To see which, if any, grow in your area, simply go to your local plant nursery. But if they have apple trees, they may not be apples one buys in the super market. But again, there is a reason for that: different apples cultivars grow better in different areas. Personally that is what I like about local produce, and what I dislike about large super markets, which have actually driven down consumer choice since they do not stock but 4 or 5 varieties of apples when there are actually to tantalize your taste buds.
fluffy2560 wrote:anns wrote:Probably won't notice you. Many students and potential protestors are from overseas. They do check men's ID more tho so wear a frock.
Hmmm...shave my legs but at the moment, bit cold for bare legs.
I think the only thing that would do me justice is a Mu Mu.
[img align=C]https://vignette4.wikia.nocookie.net/nonciclopedia/images/d/d7/Homer_ciccione.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110126214109[/url]
I'm new at this place, just found this topic.. And this made me laugh so much xD
Life is too serious sometimes so it is nice to have a laugh and a joke to lighten the mood.
Back on the food production subject. Last year I planted a lot of new fruit trees and I do hope 75% Survive. There was a lot more variety at smallerÌý garden centres and I even found a granny Smith's Apple tree.Ìý However , because I wanted to plant rather a lot and make a mini fruit forest, I bought my final 20 trees in a big DIY chain store where there was far less variety for a quarter of the price. All of these cheap trees have survived very well but they are really boring and much of a muchness. So maybe they are genetically engineered?
anns wrote:So maybe they are genetically engineered?
GMO food in the EU is generally not allowed. And for trees in particular only the USA has, to my knowledge, permitted some GM trees for commercial use.
However selective breeding (which unlike genetic engineering does not combine genes from wildly different species) can produce traits that are "boring" but otherwise aid in agricultural mass production. Which is not entirely undesirable if one is planting an orchard for mass production (and maybe fruit sale).
When planting fruit trees for personal use, one should consider such trees as a lifetime investment. It is often a good idea to shop around and get a good combination of cultivars even if that costs a little more now, as the future benefits can be significant. Especially when different cultivars produce fruit at different times of the year. All the apple trees I planted, for example, produce fruit earlier than the ones that were here already, meaning we now have apples ripening over a 5 month period. And that helps keep the doctor away.Ìý
On my walk down to the train station come late spring people have planted fruit trees on the verges. They are wide verges and bushes and trees are planted near to the fencing, cherries, plums, apples andÌý redcurrants. I pick a few as I go.Ìý Just as i turn the corner to the station there are a few scabby grape vines. I would like to do something along my boundary,Ìý probably some plums and redcurrants. And a few berry bushes for the birds.Ìý So the mass produced boring stuff will be the way to go.
Another notice of ongoing protests....
Hungary: Budapest: Avoid further demonstrations over potential closure of university
Level:Ìý Ìý NoticeÌý Ìý
Location: Ìý Ìý Budapest - Hungary; Ìý Ìý
Category: Ìý Ìý ProtestÌý Ìý
..... those in the capital Budapest should avoid the vicinity of protests in the coming days over controversial government legislation that would force the closure of the city's Central European University (CEU). Marches in central Budapest on 12 April in opposition to the institution's closure were very well attended.
A further demonstration over the issue is scheduled from 17.30 to 22.00 (local time) on 15 April at Liberty Square.
As a martial artist (retired) withe many years of full contact fighting behind me, I miss a good scrap.
Anyway, I have a new passport so I'm considering taking a trip, perhaps booking an airline where I have a good chance of getting into a fight.
Any suggestions?
Fred wrote:As a martial artist (retired) withe many years of full contact fighting behind me, I miss a good scrap.
Anyway, I have a new passport so I'm considering taking a trip, perhaps booking an airline where I have a good chance of getting into a fight.
Any suggestions?
Obviously it has to be on United. I reckon he's going to get $5-10M.
fluffy2560 wrote:Fred wrote:As a martial artist (retired) withe many years of full contact fighting behind me, I miss a good scrap.
Anyway, I have a new passport so I'm considering taking a trip, perhaps booking an airline where I have a good chance of getting into a fight.
Any suggestions?
Obviously it has to be on United. I reckon he's going to get $5-10M.
I like the heel in the face version but one looks very sexual.
Turned me on.
These days just about any airline will fill your expectations of adventure and fun.
The past few trips we have taken were something out of the twilight zone, Untied was actually one of the carries that gave us so much,"joy".
British Airways was also a "great time"
LuthFUNsia was fantastic, nothing like being stuck in a hotel and security line for 2 1/2 days!! I got the added bonus of them "misplacing" my luggage for another 5 days!
My brother works for a major airline in the US and he will not fly unless he has no other choice, He drives cross country rather then deal with his own airline. When he does fly he only brings a carry on bag, he knows too well what really goes on.
Karate, my eldest sister was a black belt in 3 different styles of martial arts. She is now 69 years old and hasn't done those competitions for over 20 some years. Even soÌý she would be good to have in your corner in a fight. I still have the scares of talking back to her as a kid.
Fred wrote:...
I like the heEl in the face version but one looks very sexual.
Turned me on.
The problem with these moves is that if you are overweight, generally unfit, you aren't going to be able to turn in an aircraft aisle to get the customer service rep in a lock.
On the other hand, what's a punch in the face worth?Ìý ÌýI mean would anyone agree to it?
"Ok, you give me $5M, I'll let you punch me in the face and knock my teeth out".
United classes of travel: Business, Coach/Economy and No Class.
Should have given the guy his $1350 or more.Ìý
SeveralÌý year ago, I gave up my seat from Heathrow to Manchester and I got £150.Ìý I just went on the next one a few hours later.Ìý I was also asked once to give up my seat to the UK from Amsterdam and they offered £50.Ìý So I said, no, not worth it for me. Make it £250 and we'll talk. I flew as scheduled.
I made the typo just to see if anyone noticed.
I was fighting with a car part attendant at the time of posting - he was a tough sod, probably an ex airline employee.
Lufthansa is now part of the United family.
Those couple years back when they had us held up in Germany for 2 1/2 days plus the hassle of trying to locate my lost luggage for 5 days were not worth the small comp. they offered us later after I wrote to their main office and told them off .
They gave each of us a voucher worth only $250. good only on their airline to be used within one years time and only to be used within the USA.
No way could $250. cover the cost of a air ticket anywhere with their airline. You had to book directly with United and couldn't use a cheaper ticket agent to book any flights. The only place $250. covered with them from Vegas was to Reno and barely that.
What a joke.
Can't get back those days of waiting in line, taking off shoes, going through carry on bags waiting only to have them bus us out to a hotel until another day and another try to get on a flight.
Totally disorganized way of doing things, they sent out buses to take everyone overnight to another hotel across town, had to wait hours to even get on the bus. Broke a tooth in the hotel dinner when they feed us 300 people some slop and hard rice, First bite and my tooth cracked, such pain, waited till our return to Hungary to get it pulled out and get a bridge made for it.
Nightmare doesn't even cover it.
People wonder why I hate to take trips anywhere and have become a homebody.
I promised myself last trip that the next time I fly to the US will be my last time ever. One way and no return.
Not sure I can do that but I am trying to not fly anywhere anymore.
What I do not fully understand is how that man on United was able to reboard the flight, no coverage about how they removed him the second time as it is obvious he was not allowed to fly on that flight. How did he ever get past security the after they dragged him off all bloody?
Pizza hut were late delivering last week so I got a voucher for a free pizza.
Only a medium but you can't have everything.
I could eat that for breakfast...
anns wrote:I could eat that for breakfast...
You'll have to fight me for it so, unless you're an airport security guard who loves gratuitous violence, you have no hope......
.....unless you're a really good looking lady who is 'willing' in a non-Barkis commitment sort of way.
Actually, an ugly lady who 'goes' will do ... or a dude if I'm pushed - any port in a storm.
Believe me I am tough and canÌý even be vicious when called upon. Not a trolly dolly.
You'll have to be pretty tough to steal my pizza - I'm like a ninja turtle, defending my pizza to my last breath.
Well you have taken so long over this the optimum time has gone and I have settled for toast.Ìý Turkish Airlines and Emirates serve the best food ever.
I fly a lot and all my UK flights recently have been budget and very smooth running. My next flight will be budapest to Amsterdam in the summer. When I flew to rotterdam recently it was just me and the Dutch population. But I'm good at biting ankles should the necessity arrive. A very tall race.
anns wrote:I could eat that for breakfast...
Why stop at breakfast?Ìý
It's pizza time, anytime!
True. I would consider buying one for tea but my friend Marilyn has informed me that all the stores are shut today. Therefore cheese on toast will suffice. I'm too penny pinching to go to restaurant street.
fluffy2560 wrote:One of the easiest places I found to off road in my Jeep is Croatia. Surprisingly large country, rugged landscape and very few people.
The nearest place to Europe that has the spatial expanse and vast diversity of highly technical areas of real off roading similar to the US South West would be the Mideast or North Africa. And they also shared* the exciting element of possible death: if you break down when going deep into the desert, being much too hot and too far to walk out. And where you always carried two spare tires (I had two tires slashed in one trip) and lots of water just in case.
All in my humble opinion, of course.
* The good old days before satellite phones where "cheap" enough to remove such risks and made life boring in the States.
Aarrghhh...more on the Telekom saga...
Mrs Fluffy called Telekom and after a 20 minute call,Ìý was informed by some person there that there were no speed restrictions in our street.Ìý Previously we only had low speed possibilities but now, all speeds are available, including 1 Gbps. Believe it when I see it.Ìý
BTW, I cannot believe it's snowing so heavily. I just swapped the car onto summer tyres!
I woke up to heavy sleety rain falling. I am now on the train back into budapest and there is snow on the tracks but I doubt if it will settle.
I've not seen snow but it is certainly much colder and very windy. The internal doors in the house were rattling in the night. The house has draughts at the moment because I've not yet constructed boxes to house the roller shutters. These boxes were an integral part of the old windows but the new window frames didn't include them.
fluffy2560 wrote:BTW, I cannot believe it's snowing so heavily.
Weather is a funny thing.
More than once people would laugh at me for packing a fleece jacket and gaiters in the summer when I did field work. More than once it snowed in June, a lot (even in deserts). And more than once my crew members had to stop laughing at me, as they shivered sans jacket and with wet pants.
fluffy2560 wrote:Aarrghhh...more on the Telekom saga...
I suspect you will never consistently get the same answer.
klsallee wrote:fluffy2560 wrote:BTW, I cannot believe it's snowing so heavily.
Weather is a funny thing.
More than once people would laugh at me for packing a fleece jacket and gaiters in the summer when I did field work. More than once it snowed in June, a lot (even in deserts). And more than once my crew members had to stop laughing at me, as they shivered sans jacket and with wet pants.
Hard to believe I was working in the garden in shorts and a T-shirt last Sunday.Ìý
Monday I went to Austria for a quick overnight visit believing it was warm there (yes, I did check the forecast and it looked reasonable) and so I didn't pack anything terribly warm.Ìý Next day, there was a freezing wind and I had to put on multiple T-shirts. All I had for the top layer was a hoodie.Ìý There was even sleet when I went outside. Shocking!Ìý And now, back here in HU, it's been snowing all day and it's only 4 C.Ìý And supposedly, next Monday, it'll be 16 C again.Ìý Ìý
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