What are the most common misconceptions about the expat lifestyle in Rwanda? Was employed as local staff being from an east African country so may not have a complete picture. But usual Expats are very rich, white people are prime catches in the country especially white women in rural areas definitely should attract their fair share of attention..
What are the most common clichés about life in Rwanda in general? Rwanda is very expensive (true), Rwandans are closed up not very hospitable (somewhat true, they run tight social circles hence not easy to break into them.. but once you do its quite enjoyable), Rwandans are lazy and slow.. (better word is Rwandans are very temperate minded which for one used in fast paced countries can be maddeningly hard.. upside of this none of those crazy car honks, they speak in quieter even tones etc)
Did you have a biased view of the country before moving there? What is you view now? (Ys genocide.. view now.. can totally understand why it would happen.. Rwandans are easily influenced due to their tight social ship run here so easy to turn on someone)