I'm afraid not, man. I'm married with kids so I don't get to venture out and hang out much anymore. Most of my time is spent catching up or running the kids around  But I can help you get started:
If you haven't already, download whatsapp on to your phone. It's the primary means of communication around here. Text messages, phone calls, and even groups are all done through whatsapp.
Facebook has some groups depending on what you're interested in. 248am, and "kuwait expats lifestyle" are both pages I follow. Both do a decent job of posting the going ons, but the person running 248am is on vacation right now.
248am I tend to treat more like the news:Â It tells me that a formula 1 track just opened, and that one day they hope to also run private track days.Â
Kuwait expats lifestyle I treat more like social media: it tells me what events are happening this weekend and lets me bounce questions off of other people quickly. (ie: where to bring my visiting family for good coffee).Â
I'm trying instagram for the first time right now. It seems like it might be a good way to find info about groups, but the jury is still out on that one.
Socializing in Kuwait is a tough crust to cut through. The trick is to just "do something" at first. There might be a book club, or a group of runners, or something you "can" participate in, but if you're honest it's not really "your thing". From there you meet people who introduce you to other people or other groups that better align with your interests. Gym and spa memberships are always an option too. Trying to find info on the internet is almost impossible, and what you DO find is usually 4-years out of date. People also keep much later hours than we're used to in the west, so don't be afraid to go check out the beach at the marina crescent well after dark. I see school age kids out passed midnight.
If you like pets, "KareQ8" still does adoption days at the big Pet Zone in Shuwaikh from 1-5pm on Fridays. Grab a cab and show up at 2 if you dont want to sit by yourself for an hour .
If you wanted to try your hand at fishing, I usually see fishermen just north of the kuwait towers (there's a beach by the applebees, where I usually see one guy. a restaurant complex just passed that where I usually see 3 or 4 more. Â
If cars were your thing I'd normally tell you to check out the parking lot just south of the Kuwait towers on the weekends, but I popped up there last weekend and no one was out cruising. I guess it's getting too warm for the classics these days (no A/C). If you met with a car group they'd love it if you didn't mind bringing a part or two back from the states during your travels. Shipping here is expensive. I see a lot of "Drag965" stickers on cars, but haven't found the drag strip or a good page for them yet.
Anyhoo, that should get ya started!Â