Ngo in cape verde
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Hello :
How to initiate an Ngo in Cape verde ..
Could anyone help me please..
Iam a member of an international Ngo and we want to help people in Cape verde.
Hello Dr. Maher,
Starting an NGO in Cape Verde is actually quite easy. It is just that in Cape Verde, there is very little information provided about these issues so it is virtually impossible for anyone to discover it, unless you know who and where to ask.
Now since I have actually assisted someone else to start NGOs in Cape Verde, I kept a copy of the steps I had to take because I was certain that this information would someday be needed by others.
Well here are the steps:
1. You must draw up the constitution and statutes/by-laws of the proposed NGO, and identify the officers. You will need a minimum of 3 officers to start: President, Secretary and Treasurer who must be clearly defined in the constitution.
2. You have to apply for a fiscal identity number (in Portuguese, número fiscal de identidade) or NIF for the NGO. For this, you will need just the name and proposed address of the entity.
3. Once you have the NIF, and the constitution and by laws, you then apply for a TEMPORARY certificate of admissibility for the NGO. At this point, the officers must be physically present (or appoint a representative via a power-of-attorney) to present their IDs and personal NIFs. This certificate is issued for 6 months.
4. Before the end of the 6-month period (as soon as possible), you must then request the permanent certificate. To do this, you present the application for admissibility, the temporary certificate, the constitution and by-laws to the notary public responsible for business firms and not-for-profit firms. The notary will check the constitution and by-laws and make sure it complies with the NGO laws or they will suggest any changes that you must make to be compliant.
5. Once the notary signs-off on the documents, they will notify you and you must pay the fee at this time. The fee is less than €50 for NGOs.
6. Once you pay the fee, they will submit the constitution and by laws in the Boletim Oficial (the Official Bulletin is the document where all the laws of the country must be published in order to take effect).
7. Once your NGO's constitution and by-laws are published in the BO, you are given your permanent certificate of admissibility, which means your NGO is now in force and ready to do business.
The process takes a few weeks at most.
If you have any questions or need help to get this done in Cape Verde, I would be happy to help. Or if you have specific detailed questions, send me a private message.
dr.mina maher wrote:Hello :
How to initiate an Ngo in Cape verde ..
Could anyone help me please..
I am a member of an international Ngo and we want to help people in Cape verde.